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PHOTO above - colliding galaxies

Captured by the Andromedans, Brad struggles to outsmart them and somehow break free ...

Brad Cooper was angry.

He was fucking sick and tired of others being after him ... and getting  him. There was the Chinese fellow who'd attacked him on Lateela Island the other night, jumping out at him from behind a coconut palm. Then he and Clint and Jimmy had narrowly escaped from the sea pirates on the Mirandu, only to be hounded by them again the following day at Coastwatchers Hill in the labyrinth of the war caves.

Later that afternoon, after their passionate moments at the waterfalls, the Wambutu warriors had captured them and almost fed them to the crocodiles. And not long after that, the pirates again attacked them, this time on the high road in hopes of stealing the gold shipment. Then there was Kee, starting the fight on the hotel veranda because Brad had taken the picture of Saroh and put it in his pocket. And that wasn't the last of it. A couple days later Kee and his pirates caught up with him and Saroh on Finisterra Island, took Saroh with them and left Brad tied to a tree on the mountain top.

And now, for crying out loud, Brad was seething to himself, he'd gone and gotten himself captured by two muscle-bound Jimmy clones from mother hunching outer space!

Add to all that the fact that his dad already knew about the Andromedans and hadn't told him the truth about their mission and, even crazier, that he actually possessed one of their wire mesh sensor rings and had it hidden in his desk at work! Where the hell did it come from? Why did he have it? How the fuck had he gotten it? And, most worrisome of all, how long had the scientists and the governments known about the Andromedans?

Brad's mind was whirring a million miles a minute. If only his father had confided in him. If only he had told him the truth. He might have been more cautious, a little smarter, not taken such risks tonight, not gotten himself caught by the ...

"All right already, boy," growled the Andromedan guard in front of him. "Don't just stand there like you're trying to figure out the meaning of life. Answer the damn question. What are you doing here on this island?"

The man had asked him that twice since he'd been wearing the ring, but Brad's mind had been far astray, lost in its barrage of anxious swirling thoughts.

So many strong and conflicting emotions in such a short time caused him to stiffen like a rock. He pushed all of it – the fear, the hurt, the uncertainty and confusion – out of his mind and locked it up hard against them. There was no room for any of that crap now. This was a situation far beyond his wildest imagination but, still, the show must go on. He had to find Saroh. He had to rescue his dad. Hell, he may well have to save the whole freaking world from these space invaders, for all he knew. And the fire of determination was burning within him.

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