6. Giovanni Alejandro Rivera.

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POV Lotus.

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was my mate's wonderful scent. I only wondered why it was so close. Yeah, I sleep in his shirt but this scent seems more fresh, like he's here. Just then I noticed a second heartbeat in the same room as me and I snapped up. My eyes scanned the room frantically and they landed on my mate's sleeping frame on the couch.

I frowned confused and got out of bed. Wait, bed? I thought I fell asleep by the fire. I saw that Alpha Rivera had my blanket around him. I walked over to him quietly, my heart warmed at the sight of his sleeping face. It's the first time I've seen him so relaxed and calm.

"Alpha." I whispered as I put my hand on his shoulder. His eyes snapped opened and within seconds I was pinned to the ground with my hands above my head and him ontop of me. My heartbeat increased a lot and I was sure he could hear it. "Hi." I mumbled.

"Hi?" He replied as sparks ran through me at every place he touched me.

"What's up?" I asked awkwardly because he was still straddling me. "Mind getting off me? You're kinda heavy." He jumped off me like I had electrified him.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up.

"Yeah, I guess. Just a little bruised." I answered without thinking.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused. "I didn't even put my full weight on you."

"I had a-" But I stopped myself. "I don't have to tell you." I shook my head.

"Amaris." He said in a warning tone. "You can either tell me and show me or I can ask Elijah to find out."


"What was that?" He asked as he towered over me, his chest nearly hitting my face.

"What was what?" I tilted my head up so I could look at him.

"Your heart, it jumped when I mentioned Eli's name." He frowned.

"No, it didn't." I shook my head. "It's racing like hell because you're so close to me. And you don't have a shirt on."

"You smell like Eli." He said, his voice dropping two octaves.

"That's because I'm with Ava all the time and she smells like him." I stammered.

"You're lying." He stepped even closer and if my heart would go any faster I could get a heart attack.

"No, I'm not." I mumbled.

"You're my mate, I think I know when you're lying." He growled.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "I spent yesterday with Elijah because Ava didn't want to be near him."

"How'd you get the bruises?" He asked.

"We talked and it got to the point about me being a Delta and some guys trying to beat me because they think that the Delta should be a male." I rambled. "Then Elijah became excited and wanted me to fight with him, so I did."

"Elijah hurt you?!" He roared.

"It's okay." I assured. "I hurt him too but he just heals faster."

"He won't heal from what I'm about to do to him." He growled as his eyes turned black and his canines grew, meaning Pedro was in full control. "Elijah!" He yelled loudly and within seconds, Elijah and Ava were in my room.

"What's going on!?" He exclaimed.

"You hurt my mate!" Pedro growled and Eli's face paled.

"Alpha, I didn't mean to." He stammered as Pedro approached him. Pedro grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.

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