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Chapter 33

Ellas P.O.V:

When I woke up the next morning I felt different. The whole atmosphere was warm and welcoming. I swung my legs out from underneath the covers trying my best not to wake Mony up. She was still sleeping soundly next to me.

I looked around the room and smiled when I saw the light bathrobe Mrs. Moalch had placed on the chair next to the bed. I grabbed it and tied it around my waist before opening the door.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I exclaim softly almost running into someone. I looked up in surprise when I heard Mr. Moalch's voice.

"It's alright, Ella," he spoke much softer than I had previously heard. I looked at his eyes to find them soft and almost warm. Maybe Mrs. Moalch told him about what happened.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you," he spoke again in the same soft voice. Like he was sharing a secret. I looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"When you turn eighteen I'll help you put that bastard behind bars for life," he promised in the same ferocious voice Kane would sometimes use. My eyes widened at the promise but I forced myself to give him a small smile in thanks.

"Thank you, sir," I said with a small nod of my head. He looked like he wanted to say something but was interrupted.

"Good morning Mr. Moalch!" Mony exclaimed happily. She gave me a one-armed hug and gave Mr. Moalch a small wave. He gave her a small smile in return before looking back to me.

"My wife has already made breakfast. School starts in about an hour," he informed us and Mony groaned. I looked at her questioningly and she shook her head sheepishly. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs.

"Careful or you'll fall!" I exclaimed nervously. Chances were I would be the one to fall which means running down the stairs is definitely a bad idea.

Sure enough on the last few steps my feet trip over themselves. I tripped and almost landed on my face but managed to grip the railings. I sighed in relief but also annoyance at my own clumsiness.

"Didn't I tell you?" I demanded as Mony laughed hysterically. I almost growled a response but Kane's voice interrupted me.

"Well, good morning?" he grinned and amusement was heavy in his tone.

"Absolutely wonderful," I hissed with a pointed glare at Mony. She stopped laughing for a moment to look at me then burst out laughing again.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Moalchs voice yelled from the kitchen. Mony stopped laughing and quickly disappeared into the room where potential food was being readied.

"Are you hurt?" Kane asked.

"No," I sighed and gave him a short, sweet kiss. He smiled at me when I pulled away. "Good morning."

"Morning, Princess. How do you feel?" he asked with more concern now.

"Strange," I responded voicing my immediate thoughts. "There are so many people. The atmosphere is so..." I shook my head and nervously tapped my fingers against my thighs. "Homey."

"Well, you better get used to it because I'm not letting you out of my sight." Kane grabbed my hand in his. He bumped his shoulder into mine softly and I tilted my head up to smile at him.

"Breakfast is ready, lovebirds!" Mrs. Moalchs voice echoed through the house and I pulled away from Kane with a small frown. His presence made the world seem smaller, less threatening.

We ate her delicious breakfast which still felt like a three course meal to me. The clock on the wall, above the sink, ticks on until we are on the verge of being late. Reluctantly, I stood up and placed my plate into the luke warm water. I glanced around the kitchen and noticed the unused dishwasher next to the fridge.

Mrs. Moalch handed me two head ache pills for the day and we all piled into the car to start another day of torture. Mony's school was a lot closer to Kane's house than it was to us. Our high school was further away though.

When Kane stopped the car he handed Mony her backpack and she gave him a friendly one sided hug. She walked over to me with squared shoulders and a firm expression.

"Be careful, sweetie." I placed a kiss on her forehead. This usually annoyed her and would cause her to turn a shocking bright red. This time she only scowled and grabbed my hand. My eyes widened at the unusual action.

"You be careful," she ordered sharply and squeezed my hand before storming over to Kane and yanking him down to her height. She met his eyes with a look that would cause even the toughest lion to run away.

"You better watch her - carefully," she demanded. "If you don't, I'll know." With that she was gone, casually skipping to her classroom as if she didn't just threaten to murder someone.

"I'm pretty sure that was not the first death threat I've recieved over you," Kane said in astonishment. His eyebrows raised in surprise and his mouth hanging open a friction. I smirked and used my hand to lift his mouth close.

"You'll catch flies," I informed me and climbed into the passenger seat with a smug look.

When we arrived at our school his lips met mine shortly but lovingly before he disappeared down the hallway to his first class. I glanced at my period table and sighed.

The classes passed quicker than I thought it would. Some of my classmates even asked about my absence.

"I had a family obligation." Was my response. The answer would always satisfy their curiosity and cause them to concentrate on what was happening around them. The noise created by the other students caused a sharper headache to arise making it difficult to focus on the lesson.

"...did we actually have homework in that class?"

"Hey, sorry, can I copy off your..."

"What do you mean you saw them! What were they..."

The casual conversation nearly drove me to insanity. After all my classes Kane was there, Simon not far behind, ready to walk me to my next class. The gesture was kind but it made it difficult to breath. They were like two gaurds escorting me from one confinement to another.

"I have some news," Simon announced at lunch causing me to look up from the sandwich Mrs. Moalch had packet for me. I raised my eyebrows at him in expectation. I saw his chest expand before he spoke again.

"I got offered a full Scholarship in the next town over." Everything was silent before realization set in.

"Simon that's wonderful! Congratulations!" I exclaimed and nearly dived across the table to pull him into a hug. Kane grinned at him and they high fived from across the table. "I'm so proud of you! But what about your mom? And the house? And-"

"Mom knows a couple close to the university who is renting out an extra room. Dad can get the house for all she cares. She just wants to get away from him." Simon smiled and I saw genuine happiness in his face. He looked healthier. Like an enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulder.

"That's great, Simon!"

The bell went a few minutes later and we all scrambled to get to our separate classes, which was difficult. Especially with their new buddy system. Having two tall people next to me certainly made it easier to get through the crowds.

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