10: Lisa meets Kai

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Jennie was getting ready for her shoot, she's excited because Jisoo let her to have a shoot with Kai, her dog.

"U ready? If you are just go here at the parking lot. I'm already waiting. Pali!" Lisa texted her.

She grabbed Kai and her bag. She's wearing a black top and a skinny jeans.

"Otw u idiot." She replied then put her phone in her pocket and went to the parking lot.


"You ready?" Lisa asked her then she looked at Kai.

"Aww, she's cute. Hey there little boy." She rubbed Kai's head.

Kai licked Lisa's hands. "He loves you! Wow!" Jennie was laughing.

"Well, I'm Lisa Manoban after all." Lisa joked then Jennie just rolled her eyes.

"Oh, where are we going by the way?" Lisa asked.

"To my favorite place." Jennie smiled.


The two of them arrived at the said location. It's a park.

"This is your favorite place?" Lisa was chuckling.

Jennie pouted. "Laugh all you want but it is. I always come here when I'm sad or I just need a fresh air." Jennie smiled then she let go of Kai's playing in the grass.

They both smiled at Kai playing.

"You know, I want to have another dog." Jennie frowned.

"Why? Is Kai not enough?" Lisa said while her eyes is still with Kai.

"Kai might feel lonely so I wish I have a another dog." Jennie pouted.

Lisa giggles because of Jennie's cuteness.

"Why are you giggling?" Jennie's eyebrows furrowed.

Lisa pinched Jennie's cheek making the latter widened her eyes.

"Because you're cute." Lisa stated. "Come on, the staffs are already waiting. Let's get this done!" Lisa then walked to the people who's waving at Lisa.

"Did she said that I'm cute?" Jennie said to herself then she felt the hotness of her cheek but she just shrugged it off then walked behind Lisa.


"Okay, do whatever you want okay? I want to see the real Jennie with Kai today okay?" Lisa instructed Jennie and the latter just nodded.

Jennie saw how passionate Lisa is when working so she realized Lisa really loves photography.

"Okay, let's do this." Lisa and then they started to shoot Jennie and Kai.


They finished the shoot smoothly.

"Okay guys, we're done! See you guys on monday!" Lisa bowed at the staffs and they clapped their hands.

"Hey." Jennie came to her carrying Kai.

"Hey, are you coming with them?" Lisa asked still organizing her things.

"No, I was thinking.. maybe you can accompany Kai and me today?" Jennie nervously asked.

"To where?" Lisa looked at them.

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