- Thirty One: Children of the Corn -

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- Thirty One: Children of the Corn -


Smoke blocked my vision and my nose. I still felt Dom's fingers knotted with mine. Suddenly, a gale of wind blew from the East and the smoke wooshed away. Surrounding us were thousands of werecats with a rainbow of different colored eyes. Some green, others golden brown. One pair held mine, however. One pair of eyes I had seen kill a friend just minutes ago.

Eran walked forward and held his arms out wide saying, "Can you win now?"

Clearly showing off his army of cats, Eran motioned for the crowd to laugh. The laughter filled the forest and birds flew from the trees which were still smoking.

I refused to blink. In the smallest amount of time the most important things can happen. Dom stepped forward, just inches from Eran's face.

"Why are you doing this?" Dom asked him.

"Your bitch of a mate broke the law. I thought she'd have potential, too. What a pity." Eran replied, looking over Dom's shoulder and giving me a sad, fake smile.

"Laws can be changed." Dom said with gritted teeth.

"It is forbidden in our world for a Werecat, of a high title I might add, to bite and change any human besides their mate. It's against the law!" Eran spat.

"So is robbing banks," Dom replied cooly, "but humans do that every day!"

"If you haven't noticed," Eran replied, his face contorting into that of a cat, "We. Are. Not. Humans. Now, Wondla!"

Shrieking. Shrieking and groans of pain filled the twilight air as a golden fire erupted around our small group. Wondla's eyes caught mine as the fire flickered against her face. She continued to hold the gaze as she pulled her hands up and down and the fire abided her will.

The fire began to grow. Taller and taller and limbs.

Dom! I shouted in my head, The fire is enchanted. They're people. Humans!

We'll have to fight, Dom replied. I could hear worry tinging his voice.

The fire people had us circled, and they were closing in. The air was too dry to summon any water, and fire would only make it worse. Earth was practically useless. Air.

Behind my back, so that no one could see, I twisted my hands around and around and a small breeze began to blow. With one final swoosh around the crown of my head, a powerful gale of wind enclosed my friends. I pushed the encasing outward. And the fire zombies that came in contact were blown off of their feet.

"Riley!" I heard someone shout. My ear was roaring, "Riley! Come on!"

I hadn't realized my eyes were closed tight. I snapped them open to see Dom and the others standing over me, ready to fight.

"What a pity." I turned to see Eran standing near one of the scorched bodies that lay limp on the forest floor, "My fellow Werecats! Do you see what these people have done? Do you see what damage they are capable of? They have murdered your people! Join me as I banish them to the deepest pits of hell!"

Be ready, I warned Dom as I stepped in front of my friends.

"Lies!" I shouted. I thanked whomever was guarding over me that my voice didn't shake, "Eran has murdered Misty and all of these people!" I said, gesturing to the flaming dead bodies in the grass, "These were to be members of your leap. Of our leap! And they died at the hand of your own Head! And, as his title may announce, he's been a real dick."

The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Book One) (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now