Chapter 5

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Pre-story Author's Note:

I've been busy with school and unmotivated to write, but someone commented so I decided to keep going :D Keep your eyes peeled for more since I'm finished my Grade 11 year - finally! I had my last exam this morning.

One of my friends left for Hong Kong, one left for her job that's hours away... I'm sad :(

My summer goals:

- learn hebrew since I keep putting it off :/    Ani lo tov, :)



Well it's been a long time coming, but here it is, CHAPTER 5




Chapter 5:

“Get down,” Oliver commanded in a rushed tone. Without waiting for a response, he shoved her head downward towards her knees. In the same instance he pressed on the gas pedal and the car jerked forward.

Melissa was tempted to look behind at the people who they’d left in a cloud of dust, but somehow she reined in her curiosity. When she did have the courage to glance out the shattered window she saw a red symbol crudely painted on a building. Before she had time to register the symbol, the car had swerved and cut its way through the downtown streets.

Oliver, after a series of manoeuvres and directions from Melissa, was able to get them back on the highway. He let out an exasperated sigh and a small chuckle.

“Well, that went well.”

Melissa gave him a withering glare before sighing, “Why the french-toast  are there people with guns shooting at us?”

Melissa gasped, her eyes widening, “Do you think there are gangs? But why would there be gangs in Dallas?”

Oliver smiled at her rambling. He shrugged keeping one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear shift. “I think the answer is pretty much in the question. It’s Dallas, there’s a zombie apocalypse and the hicks couldn’t wait to get out their guns.”

Melissa just stared back, not amused.

“Shouldn’t survivors be banning together, no shooting each other?”

“Well it’s sort of a free for all I guess. I saw something similar back in Oklahoma, nothing this serious though. People want to stick together- safety in numbers and all that jazz.”

She nodded back, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind her ear.

After a few minutes of amiable silence, Oliver spoke.

“Do you have any ideas of what we should do? You have been here before and all.”

“Well, I think as long as we stay out of West Dallas we should be fine,” Melissa thought for a moment, “It might be smarter to stick to the suburbs and smaller towns. Hopefully we won’t run into too many, uh, people there.”

“Well running into some actual people might be nice, as long as they don’t want to shoot at us.” They laughed together, both staying clear of the taboo subject.

“Maybe we should head south, towards Houston.” Just as the words left Oliver’s lips their car rounded a bend and they saw a large symbol painted on the concrete wall that boxed in the interstate.

The red symbol, a circle with a slash through it, the same symbol Melissa had seen when the men shot at them. The red symbol was dripping and Melissa prayed that it was just wet paint.

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