Just Friends

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"Hyung you can't do this to Jihoon, it's his birthday, do you know how sad he'll be, at least be here even for a couple of hours" Jungkook grumble, scratching with his pen irritated "_________ God hyung but he's your son, he's your priority, I can't believe you two" He clenches his fist gritting "FINE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT" He hang up the call groaning loudly

"They're not coming?" Jimin ask, feeling pity for the little boy

Jungkook shake his head burying his face into his hands and groaning again "God I fucking hate them so much"

"Calm down, he has you right?" Jimin smile softly trying to comfort the younger

"Do you think I'll be enough for him, he didn't see them for like three months now" Jungkook's expression twist with pain "He's calm and quiet but I can see it Jimin, I can see the hurt in his eyes and I can't handle this, I can't bear seeing the tears in his eyes"

Jimin sigh shaking his head "I really don't know what to say Jungkook"

"How am I going to tell him that his parents won't come to his birthday? What should I do to make him forget that his parents are not interested in being part of his birthday?"

"Jungkook listen to me, calm down first huh?" Jimin walk around the desk, sitting on the edge and caressing his hair "We'll find some way ok? I promise you Jihoon will have the best birthday party in his entire life"

"How? Do you have any idea? Jimin it's two weeks from now, I don't want any other disappointment" Jungkook look up at him

"Did I ever disappoint you?"Jimin beam cupping his cheek lovingly "Taehyung will help us, he understand kids the most, you have to trust him on this"

Jungkook's heart flutter at the mention of the teacher; Taehyung was around often, with Jihoon or with Jimin, it's been two months since he know him and the teacher already took a place in his life and Jihoon's life and____ Jimin's life

Jungkook dropped his head down looking at nothing in specific; Taehyung is his friend, his good friend at least that what he was trying to convince himself with.

And Taehyung is so kind to Jihoon and that what warm his heart the most, Taehyung is the best at dealing with the kid, and with him Jihoon is an another person; cheerful and playful and noisy.

"I trust Taehyung" Jungkook mutter quietly before sighing "I trust him the most"

Jimin watches him for a while before smiling "Then it'll be fine"

Jungkook flinch looking up at him startled "I hope so, I really hope so"

Jimin's expression soften at the younger's troubled face, he tap his shoulder reassuring before sighing "It's tough on you too, I can see it" He smile down at him "Between Hyerin and the work and Jihoon and____" Jimin pauses contemplating if he should say it or no but he shrug it off ruffling the younger's hair "It must be really hard on you too"

"Hyerin was always like this, she never thought of anyone but herself, I'm really getting tired of this" Jungkook mumble missing the way Jimin studied him

"We should go back to work" Jimin stand lazily yawning tiredly "I think of having dinner with Taehyung and Hoseok hyung later on, care to join?"

Jungkook stiffen keeping his eyes down; it's always the same irritation and anger whenever he knew that Jimin and Taehyung are going out, he didn't ask what's their relationship, he didn't want to know and he'll never want to know

He just want it to stay like this; Taehyung is just a friend, a good friend

"No Jimin, I've too much work" He mumbles fixing his eyes on the screen of his laptop

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