Just a Reputation

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"How'd school go?" My mom asked as soon as I dropped my bag on the floor in the hallway.

"Same as always." I groaned, putting my hands over her shoulders from behind the sofa in a strange sort of hug.

"If I turn around will I see someone standing nervously in the doorway?" She asked in a faux-nervous tone and I chuckled and pulled away.

"Not tonight, Mom."

"Good. I'd rather you not mess up your freshly tidied room." She replied, sassily, and paired with a just as sassy smirk.

"Mom!" I groaned loudly and started heading upstairs, a smile still plastered on my face.

"Hey, I had to use a full bottle of air freshener to get the smell out of that room yesterday!" She called out to me and I burst into laughter.

"Yeah, right." I muttered, and then added with an evil chuckle, "So did I when you got back from your and Mama's honeymoon!"

"Hey!" I heard before closing my bedroom door.

As soon as I took a deep, relaxing breath, my phone started ringing.

"What?" I snapped without reading the caller ID, annoyed that I'd been interrupted before I could even start to relax.

"Oh, so now you pick up." I heard a bitchy voice reply and instantly hung up, saying 'nope' over and over again. I should just block Peyton's number, to be fair. I only kept it in case I needed a quick hook up at some point but now I wouldn't even call her then, either.

So I did just that and finally got to relax after a stressful first day of being told off every second. Seriously, Mr. Deal snapped at me for sneezing! I would have made a 'whats his deal?' joke but I did have a badass reputation to uphold and that's one of the cheesiest jokes in the book.

Speaking of reputation, part of why I could only chill out when I was in the confines of my own bedroom was because after middle school, I was determined not to let myself be bullied anymore. The whole 'two moms' thing is what started it, but when they found out I was gay too, all hell went loose. We moved to another part of the city for high school because the bullying I experienced was pretty bad, and even though we were careful to pick a more accepting school, I still put on a hard exterior and built up my walls so that nobody could get in unless I wanted them to, like Cara. It started as an act but soon it became a part of me, and that's what gave me the reputation I had.

The reputation that Ms Cabello had heard about.

I took another deep breath, the air being clearer now that I'd turned my salt lamp and diffuser on, and let it out slowly.

"Better." I sighed and looked around for my guitar, planning to play for a bit while I sat in the middle of my bed as I often did after school.

"Mom!" I called when I couldn't find it and heard my room open almost instantly. She must've been walking by already.

Instead of my mom, though, I saw Cara in the doorway, wearing an old Halloween mask and obviously trying to scare me.

"Haha, nice try," I said sarcastically and dropped to the floor, looking under the bed.

"Really? Why don't you ever get scared?" She grumbled and laid on the floor on the other side of the bed, looking at me through the space below, "What're we looking for?"

"My guitar," I answered and stood back up, looking around as though it might jump out at me.

"It's downstairs." She answered and I rolled my eyes. I'd forgotten that Mama had wanted me to play for them last night.

"You didn't repaint the bedside tables I gave you?" She continued, gesturing to the Union Jack side tables she'd needed to get rid of last week, and I narrowed my eyes at her jokingly.

"You've got a lot of questions, Delevingne." I quipped, "Are you hiding something?"

"Just my tattoos from school." She replied without hesitation and I laughed and headed past her to the downstairs living room.

"How does the makeup not rub off of your finger?" I questioned as she followed me downstairs and she didn't reply, so I guessed she shrugged.

"There you are!" I sang as I grabbed the instrument from the table.

"Hey, Mrs. Y/l/n." Cara greeted my mom with a wave and cheesy smile as she returned to the living room from her bedroom.

"Hey, Car. There's takeaway in the kitchen if you want it." Mom announced and me and Cara looked at one another for a brief second before sprinting into the kitchen, me having to push her to the side to get to the food first but come on, it's food and we're pretty much like siblings anyway; Siblings that met three years ago but siblings none the less.

"There's enough for both of you!" Mom decided to add when Cara yelped as she slid across the floor and almost fell, so I rolled my eyes and sighed, but couldn't help laughing at Cara's scared face.

She shot me a look before reaching over for her own food and sitting on the opposite side of the breakfast table.

"Thanks, Mom! Love ya'!" I yelled around the chicken nugget in my mouth and got a hum in reply.

"This is so good." Cara moaned and I stifled a laugh as I nodded in agreement.

Yes, Ms. Cabello. (Camila x You)Where stories live. Discover now