Chapter 4 - The Wine Accident

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        I looked into the mirror one last time. I took in a shaky breathe and stared at my reflection. I was about to leave my hotel to see Tyler. I don't know why I was so nervous, it was only Tyler. Maybe it's because I haven't seen in him almost three days... I missed his perfect quiff, his pure, blue eyes with specks of gold and grey in them, his laugh, his perfect smile.... But I'm sure it was only nerves. Plus he is sick. I just need to check on him and make sure he is alright, I need to hear his laugh and know he is alright.

        As I pulled up to Tylers apartment I took a steady breathe and smiled. I was going to see my Tilly again and he is going to be happy and great. I stepped out of my car, fixing my favorite "So Scared." shirt and stepped up to his door, right as I was lifting up my pale hand to knock on his door, it opened and a warm hand pulled me inside and shut the door behind me. I heard a little giggle and rolled my eyes.

       "Tilly! Don't do that! What if you were a murder or something?"

        "Then you better not walk up to murders' houses then should you Troye Sivan?"

        I smiled and turned to look at Tyler, then gasped. He looked horrible. There were dark purple bags under his eyes, his face seemed hollower and paler. He looked sick and stressed out. And hearing me gasp caused Tyler to reaction and cover his face.

        "What?... Is there something wrong with my face?... Is there something on it?"


        Oh god. He can see my fat chubby cheeks. He can see all my fat and see all the weight I have gained. He is disgusted by me. What is wrong with me, why did I let him come over. Of course he could tell I have gotten bigger. Of course... stupid stupid stupi-

        "Tyler... What is wrong with you? You look so sick.. What's going on? You need to sit down"

        Troye interlocked his slightly larger hand in mine and pulled me to my couch and pushed me down before sitting down right besides me, and crossing his legs staring into my eyes.

        "Tilly... What is going on? Don't bullshit me. What is wrong? Are you getting bad again? Do you need some help? Talk to me. Please, don't shut me out. Let me in and let me help you. You know you are better than this. What is going on?"

        God... His eyes, they are so perfect. I could get lost into them so easily... how light they are, the perfect mix of blue and green. How much concern they showed... One day maybe they will show love for me?... Who am I kidding. I'm a fat piece of shit.

        I turn away from Troye's gaze and stare at my carpet. It was perfectly clean, I had to get it professionally cleaned a few days ago because Troye dropped a little bit of wine on the carpet and it was driving me mad. That night was perfect....


        "Tilly, your eyes are so pretty... I love the color of them. They are so so so pretty" Troye mumbled drunkenly while he laid his head in my lap, his eyes slowly shutting. I watched his wine glass hit the floor and pour out the little bit that was left. I sighed and ran my fingers through his dark, chocolate like his.

        "Troye boy you split wine on my carpet. What am I to do with you?"

        "Forgive me and love me" Troye mumbled back fall asleep, holding onto my thigh tightly. I smiled and continued running my hands through his hair. I listened to his breathing start to fall into a soft easy pattern. I leaned down and lightly kissed his birthmark just below his eye.

        "Goodnight Troye"


        "Tyler Oakley answer me right this second!" Troye's voice pulled me back to reality. His eyes were almost screaming, searching mine for some type of answer.

        "Nothing is wrong, I am just nervous about this trip to Italy, that's all. I have a lot to pack and things and I am just worried I'll leave behind something important, like you maybe."

        Troye smirked at my comment before shaking his head.

        "Tyler, I know you get stressed and worried but you can't do this to yourself. Missing out on food and everything. Common, everything will be alright. Let me make you some food alright?"

        The moment Troye said food I felt myself begin to panic. I can't eat, I don't wanna break my streak. I have been doing so well.

        It's okay Tyler, just eat a little something. You deserve it. You'll feel better.

        Shut up! No you won't you don't deserve it you fat little cow. If you eat that, you better count on throwing it right back up. You know what to do.

        Smiling at Troye, I nod. 


        Something isn't right with Tyler. He isn't telling me something. I don't know what it is but I have to find out. He has always been there for me. He needs someone to be there for him even if he knows it or not.


        Ayy guys, I really hope you are liking the story so far. I am trying to get better and better. Votes and comments would be wonderful. This is always my first fan fic so I am gonna try and update it as much as possible! I haven't fully edited this chapter yet so if you see something that needs to be fixed let me know! Also let me know if y'all have any ideas or things you want me to put into the story maybe? Thanks!

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Can I Get a Rain Check on That One? A Troyler fanficWhere stories live. Discover now