The Boys Are Here

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"Just take a deep breath or something!"
"TAKE A DEEP BREATH?! It feels like my insides are being RIPPED OUT!"

My olive-green eyes flutter from the bloody mess that is my abdomen to the blonde girl leaning over me. I try to control my breathing. But attempting to slow down my heartbeat is much harder when the person who is supposed to be stitching me up is now fumbling with a zip on the first aid kit. I slam my head onto the grotty motel carpet, grasping at my split stomach as the dark red blood makes its way out of my body. It oozes between the space amid my fingers as I cover my wound with a shaky hand. My vision becomes blurrier as my green shirt turns darker and all I can see is the maroon blood that once flowed through my veins.
"Hurry the hell up!" I wheeze out.
"Scarlett, you need to go to a hospital." Jo looks at me in desperation.
"No. No hospitals."
The pain throbs in my guts, it's deep and warm, but not in a nice way. It feels like someone has their hand in there and are squeezing my organs first gently and then as hard as they can.
"Fine, I'm calling Sam. Maybe he can talk some sense into you." Jo spits as her bloody hands grab her phone.
"Just stitch me up before I bleed to death."
Jo glares at me, her dark eyes scanning my face.
"Scarlett, this isn't some small cut. That Werewolf took a huge chunk out of you." She argues. "If you are going to behave like a child then I am calling Sam."
My eyesight blurs, but not because tears are welling up. Everything becomes fuzzy; then I see nothing at all. My consciousness is floating through an empty space filled with a thick static. Throughout the inky space, my heartbeats pound loudly, echoing in my ears, alongside fading mumbles for help. The feeling in my body drains away until all is black.

I awake to soft sheets, and the morning light trickles in through the blinds. Shedding myself from the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes are still shut as I soak in the warmth of my covers before letting my green eyes see the suns rays. I blink about a million times as my vision adjusts to the alarming light and I manage to make out four shapes.
"How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creeps?" I manage to force out of my throat.
Two of the figures rush to my bedside, becoming much clearer. Sam grabs my hand and moves the hair from my face.
"Scarlett! Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks softly.
"Well, my eyebrows don't hurt."
I attempt to sit up, but it feels as if all the muscles in my stomach are about to snap.
"Jo called me when you passed out. You were in a pretty bad state. We managed to get you some kick-ass painkillers though."
My younger brother passes me a bottle of water and two white pills. It takes a couple of tries for me to swallow the pills, but I manage to do it.
"Sorry for shouting at you, Jo." I apologise.
"It's fine. You were the one with her stomach ripped in two." She runs a hand through her blonde curly hair.
My vision is much clearer now and Sam props me up on some pillows. I wince slightly as my eyes land on the deep crimson stain in the middle of the carpet.
"I guess we won't be getting our deposit back." I chuckle, but my smile is wiped off my face when I see the other two figures.
The guy in the trench coat doesn't bother me, it's the man with short-cropped, dark blonde hair and forest green eyes.
"Dean." I breathe, my eyes wide in disbelief.
I gape at him and turn to Sam to check that's he is also seeing Dean.
"Am I dead?" I question in a frantic voice. "Sam, am I dead?"
Sam chuckles. "Scarlett, you're not dead-"
"Then why the hell is Dean here?" I take a deep breath and rub my eyes. "And who the hell is that guy?"
"I am Castiel, an angel of the lord."
I feel light headed. So, my dead brother is here with an angel.
"I don't want any more of those painkillers."
Dean smiles as he walks over to my bedside.
"Hey, lil sis."
Tears well in my eyes and I leap into his arms; ignoring the searing pain in my abdomen.
"Dean." I grab his face and kiss his cheeks. "I have missed you so friggin' much." Tears fall onto his shirt. "How did you guys get here so fast?"
Sam looks to Dean who starts explaining.
"I got the call and explained what happened to Dean and Castiel. He zapped us here." Dean lifts up the bottom of my clean black top. "He also healed you."
I stare open-mouthed at the faint pink line that stretches across my tummy.
"Thank you." I smile kindly at Castiel as he hangs back awkwardly.

Sam and Dean talk, but I tune them out as I inspect Castiel. He has crystal blue eyes and dark brown hair. He is sporting a pair of dress shoes, a black suit with a white dress shirt and a loosened blue tie. He radiates a sense of calm, which is nice in these frantic times. Conclusion: Castiel the angel is adorable.
"Scarlett?" Dean's husky voice drags me back to their conversation. "What were you hunting?"
"A Werewolf." I state, motioning for Jo to get my diary. "Yeh, it's dropping bodies like there's no tomorrow. I went to the morgue in time to see the pathologist turn." I look down at my hands. "I didn't manage to kill him. Sorry."
"Hey, that's ok. The dude used you as a chew toy. Dean and I will finish the hunt. You get properly healed. Cas may have put you back together, but you'll still be fragile." Sam consoles me.
They obviously know how disappointed I am feeling. They give me one last hug before grabbing their bags and leaving the motel room. Jo passes me a glass with some orange juice. Castiel is still stood in the room, watching me as I sip my juice. He clears his throat, glancing around the room.
"I guess I should go." He murmurs.
"Thank you. I guess I owe you my life." I smile.
"You are a Winchester. It is my duty to help keep you safe."
Before I can question him, there is a flutter of wings and he's gone. Wow, it's not even three in the afternoon and I have already made friends with an angel.

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