The News

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After putting all the kids to bed Alfred and Ivan were tired. Alfred sat down at the dining room table next to Ivan.

"We need to eat da?" Ivan said moving Alfred into his lap.

Alfeed smirked turning around straddling Ivan. He kissed from Ivan's jaw up to his lips.

"Daddy. I want you to play with me. You seem stressed." Alfred purred licking his lovers neck.

Ivan paused before picking up the youger and bringing him into their shared room. Ivan then pinned Alfred to the wall.

"What do you want daddy to do baby?" Ivan whisperd seductively causing a shiver to go down Alfred's spine.

Alfred licked his lips. "Fuck me." He said grounding his hips down. Ivan bucked his hips up and Alfred let out a small moan.

They had to be very quiet or they would wake the kids. No one wanted one of Alfred's children on their hands. Not even them.

Ivan sighed before kissing Alfred again but with more force. He licked the younger's bottom lips asking for an entrance. Alfred playfully denied him the acsses.

Ivan growled snaking a hand down his lovers back and squeezing his ass. Alfred gasped allowing Ivan to stick his tounge in his mouth.

Alfred moaned into the kiss as Ivan started to grind aginst him. After a second they both pulled away for much needed air.

Alfred had slipped off his shirt to let Ivan leave marks. In which he did. Ivan leaned down and kissed from his neck to his nipple. He stoped a licked the pink bud till it was erect. He repeated that with the other. Alfred had let out slightly louder moans.

He then slipped Alfred's pants off to relieve the pressure on his lover's erect cock. Ivan took a moment to look at hus lover.

Alfred was panting lightly his face dusted with bush. His body light sweaty and the bulge in his boxers noticeable.

Ivan ran a hand down the younger's chest stopping to squeeze his nipples. Alfred ,though in bliss, was annoyed. Ivan still had all of his clothes. Alfred slid his hand up Ivan's shirt and pulled it off revealing his chest.

Ivan let out a short ,deep chuckle as Alfred struggled with Ivan's pants. Just before Alfred got Ivan's pants off the doorbell rang.

Alfred let out an annoyed whine as Ivan put his shirt back on and left the room. Ivan went over to the door ready to kill who ever it was.

He swung the door open and growled as he locked eyes with Arthur. Arthur smirked knowing he inturupted them.

"What do you want?" Ivan said still very annoyed.

"I came to see what you were doing." Arthur said crossing his arm over his chest.

Ivan gritted his teeth and moved to the side. He pointed to the sofa where Arthur quickly sat.

Ivan walked into his and Alfred's room where his lover was. Alfred's head snapped up and he nearly jumped on Ivan.

"Do we have to stop?" He asked before kissing Ivan's neck.

Ivan sighed leaning into the touch. They both heard a noise and stopped. In the doorway stood Arthur.

"What a cock block." Alfred whined pushing off Ivan ,flopping in the bed.

"Sorry. Not sorry. We have to talk about your next job." Arthur said as he walked back out into the living room.

Alfred sighed himself getting up but not walking to the door.

"Where are you going da?" Ivan asked.

Alfred looked at him with a 'bitch really' look. Then it clicked with him and let him go take a shower.

Ivan then followed to where Arthur sat. His leg was crossed and he was looking down at paper work.

Arthur handed Ivan the case file. In the file was a picture of two different targets. Christopher Spiks and Tyrin Cru. Both major CEO's of companies.

By the time he scaned over the file Alfred walked in. He looked up only to met with Alfred's bare chest. He was oh so temted to push him down and take him. But Arthur was here and that would be weird.

"Oh god not these guys!" Alfred exclaimed plopping onto Ivan's lap, leaning into him.

Ivan quickly wraped his arms around the smaller. He pressed a small kiss to the back of his neck.

Ivan smiled against the warm skin sending a shiver down the youngers spine.

"Blagh, you two are so lovey dovey it's disgusting." Arthur said fake gaging.

Alfred let out a giggle looking back down at the file. His smirked handing it back to Ivan.

Ivan took the file and placed it next to him. With a sigh he leaned into his lovers back.

"Are you guys OK?" Arthur said noticing the tiredness of both countries.

"It'sbeen a stressful day da?" Ivan said as Alfred nodded.

"Well then i will take my leave i will be back tomorrow." Arthur said getting up.

A few seconds later the couple heard the door open and close. Soon the engine of a car was heard driving off.

Alfred yawed leaning more into Ivan. The older male acknowledged his sleepy state and carried him to bed.

Gently laying him down and covering him. Ivan sighed slipping off his shirt and laying down as well slipping off into a sleep.

They both knew very well what the next day had to offer and needed this sleep.


Sorry it took so long to post finals are coming up

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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