Filling Empty Spaces

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"What happened to your house?"

"Would you move in with me?"

The question catches me off guard that I had almost choked on the piece of bacon in my mouth. "Are you sure you want me to?"

"Logically speaking the amount of time you're never home, and the amount of money that could be saved on rent and gas. It would be beneficial.."

It was like Mr. Hale to ruin the kind gesture. "That is a kind gesture, but I don't know if you would want all my—," I take a moment to survey the room. "antiquated objects."

Mr. Hale arches an eyebrow while pursuing his lips. "I happen to own a 1968 Mustang Fastback. Not everything vintage isn't appealing to me." He pops a cherry into his mouth.

"Show me."

"Show you what?"

I roll my eyes chucking a strawberry at him. "The Mustang, silly,"

Mr. Hale smiles as if he was a child who just found out he was getting a toy. "Get dressed," he urges.

"I only have my dress from the other night," I mumbled lifting my wrinkled dressed from off the floor. "I have no other clothes."

I watch Mr. Hale stand up in all his naked glory. He doesn't even seem phased about his present nudity as he walks over to the wooden closet door. Once he bends down to pick up a bag I am anxious as to what he has done. "I took the liberty of having my secretary pick you some clothes. I hope you don't mind," he sounds hesitant as he lifts a bag up and sets it down on the bed. I glance at the bag and then over to a naked Mr. Hale bent down to the level of the bed waiting for me to dig into the bag and remove the contents inside.

I cannot remember the last time I went shopping or even purchased anything at all. "Thank you, but you shouldn't have. I have plenty of clothes at home you know." I remove what looks to be a styled oxford like baggy shirt, with black leggings, and a new pair of vans. I'm genuinely impressed with Caroline's sense of fashion. "Tell Caroline I approve of this outfit choice."

"Now get dressed."

Mr. Hale's idea of getting dressed was joining me in the shower just to distract me from actually getting cleaned. It took us an hour to finally head downstairs to the parking lot. I watch the way Mr. Hale's mood changed between this morning and now. The state of genuine happiness made me happy as well. It seemed as if the year he needed to get himself together also meant that his feelings had adjusted to the life of a committed man.

"Wow, you're so happy. Have you not taken it out for a spin?"

"Not in a couple years. Every few weeks my personal mechanic comes to take her out for a tune-up or just for a drive," he walks over to vehicle which is covered in a black veil. The metallic blue coat which had to have been waxed lately glistened off of the car. Like an anxious child, I want to touch the car, but I refrain from giving into my wants. "Plus you're the first woman who will have driven in my favorite vehicle." He adds.

"Oh, so I get to drive?"

Mr. Hale cannot hide the smirk forming on his face. "Not a chance."


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