Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Okay, so after that we have the boys doing the tap number..."

Ana was listening carefully to everything Christine was saying, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she nodded, looking down at her book which had all the calls for the lighting and sound cues.

"Yes, Christine, I know." Ana replied, running a hand through her hair. She was situated up behind the audience seats, sitting with the head tutor and the other lighting and sound technicians. "We've been through this a thousand times. The technical rehearsal went really well so just stop worrying."

Christine frowned but nodded. "I know, I know, I'm just really nervous. This is our opening night. All the sponsors are going to be here and I'm just worried that something bad will happen." She paused glancing at Ana through her reading glasses, "How's Polly?"

Ana shrugged. "You saw her. Her dance with Jungkook went really well, don't you think?"

Christine smiled. "Yes, it really was fantastic. Hoseok devised a brilliant piece, I'll admit." She raised her eyebrows. "But that's not what I meant."

Ana scribbled something down into the book and told the lighting technicians to head up to the tech room, saying she would be joining them in a couple of minutes.

"She'll be okay. She's a tough cookie, Christine, you know that."

Christine sighed and nodded once again.

"I'm aware, Ana, I just hope when this is all over she can be happy again." She took her reading glasses off and looked down to the stage. Polly was standing with the boys minus Jungkook and was laughing about something. It was nice to see her smile. Christine knew she wasn't happy at all and was simply putting on a front for the show. "The boys got their flight details for Sunday, did they tell you?"

Ana gulped, her throat constricting at the thought of the boys leaving. How had four weeks past so suddenly? She couldn't believe they would be actually leaving in six days. She hadn't spoken to Polly about it; it just hurt too much. This time next week, they would be gone.

"Yes, I know." Her eyes fluttered over to Jimin. "I'm..." she trailed off. "I don't know how I am."

Christine give her head technician a pat on the shoulder. "Those boys have become awfully close to you and Polly. You're friends now and you'll definitely stay friends. Relationships as strong as the one you have with them don't break easily."

Ana looked to Christine and smiled weakly.

"I hope so."


Polly was analysing herself critically in the mirror. Her make-up had been done beautifully by the make-up artists, her eyes covered in a smokey hue, her cheeks dusted a pale pink and her small lips coated a cherry red. The costume she had been given was very simple so to not distract from her and Jungkook's dancing; a black leotard and a short black flowing skirt. Her hair had been put up into a high, tight bun, hairsprayed completely into place. She smiled slightly to herself.

"Huh. I actually look quite nice." She muttered.

"Understatement of the year, I think."

She gasped and whirled around to find Jungkook leaning casually against one of the lockers at the door, eyes raking over her body with hungry appreciation.

"Get out of here, you total creep!" She snapped at him, thankful they were alone. "This is the girls dressing room!"

"I'm aware, Polly but all the girls are in the canteen taking lunch ," he replied taking a few steps towards her. He spun her around so she was looking at herself and him in the mirror opposite. He smirked at her reflection and bent down to whisper in her ear.

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