All my powers

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So I tried every movement with my hands and I've found all my powers. Well a lot of them. Cause I don't know if I have even more. But okay I will tell you about the powers I have discovered.

Well, it's now like a week further and I think I've discovered a lot more of my powers.

I will start at the beginning. So as I said I was sitting in my room at my desk. I had to do homework, but I couldn't. I took the bottle of water and that's the moment it started: the discovering of my powers. You know it sounds very weird when you see it like this, but this really is what happend. I took a notebook and I wrote down a lot of movements you can make with your hands, behind the movement I would write down the thing that would happen.

I started with making a fist. What happend? The water froze... I was kinda shocked, but I think it is such a wonderful thing to have (I mean the powers).

Next I turned my hand. The water moved, I mean like the water got up, out of the bottle. The water formed as a snake. A snake made out of water. But the most weird thing about this snake was: I can control it. There was only one other movement with my hands with which I can do something with water. When I put my hand like I am making an high five the water is boiling, the water is becoming hot. The rest of the movements with my hand all have the same affect as I described second: the water moves.

I turned very fast when someone said: 'wow, you really are good'. I was so scared, but it was Emma. My reaction to her arrival: 'dammit Emma! I was really scared! You could have been mom!'. 'I know and I'm sorry, but I'm so jealous! I just have to say! I'm sooo jealous. I've always wanted to be a mermaid and now YOU are one, I just can't handle it yet.' I was quiet and thought about what she just said. 'Maybe..' I thought out loud. 'Maybe what?' Emma was a little bit angry, but calmed down very quick. 'Maybe we can go to the lake tomorrow night? Sleep there in the tent?' I asked her. She nodded so I asked mom, she said it was alright if I had made my homework. 'Omg, I just forgot my homework!' I was a bit panicked, cause I thought I could never finish this all tomorrow morning. 'I could help you?' Emma offered. 'if we don't tell mom, she would never figure it out.' she said in a quiet voice.

Next day in the morning I was sitting in my room together with Emma. She was making my maths and I was making English, a great advantage is that our handwriting looks like it is the same :). When I finished my English, I learned my history and Emma checked if I knew everything. I knew everything! So, Emma and I packed our things and we went to the lake. We put up our tent and blow up the air beds. As we were there it was about 16:00 so it wasn't evening yet. We were waiting till the evening, we did a lot of games and we talked a lot. When it  was six o',clock  we coocked our own dinner! We had, you know a campsite cooking set. Well, we ate self caught fish with potatoes and a few carrots. As the evening stroke, I told Emma why we were actually here, I said the thing as follows: 'Em? I took you here because I thought about what you said and I tought that maybe, that what I have in mind, that it maybe could work. I'll explain you everything.' Emma was quiet. 'But what did I say? What did you think of Anna?'. 'You know, yesterday in my room you said you was jealous that I am a mermaid and you are not.' I was quiet, 'Remember Em?'. 'Emh, yeah I guess'. 'Well, I thought about the way in which I turned into a mermaid, and I thought maybe you could be a mermaid too!' Emma was very quiet and than suddenly smiled, she had a smile on her face that went from her forehead up her chin. 'Omg, Anna, do you really think it will work?' she nearly shouted in my ear. 'Well, that is what I said, I don't know, we can at least try of course?'. So, Emma and I continued playing games till it was completly dark outside. 'Come on Em, It's time' I whispered to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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