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Annabeth's POV

How angry was I? Long ago, my dad and my stepmom were incredibly rude and horrible to me. Then Rachel kissed Percy and fell in love with him. Finally, Hera stole Percy for half a year and wiped his memory clean. If you combined all the anger I was feeling then and multiply it by a million you would understand how angry I was when I understood what was going on when Athena and Poseidon took my newborn children. I paced my room, thinking of a plan while angry tears streaked down my face. How could my mother do this?

"Can we come in?" A voice said from behind my door. I wiped the tears from my cheeks. The other six and Calypso walked in the room. Percy came up to me and wrapped me in a bear hug.

"We'll find them, I promise." Percy whispered in my ear. An oath to keep with a final breath. My subconscious reminded me. We never understood what that line meant, and I didn't want to find out. After Percy pulled away, I looked at the faces of my friends. All of their eyes were red and puffy, and their cheeks had tear stains.

"What do we do?" Hazel asked desperately.

"I- I still want to be a father." Jason said, his voice cracking.

"I think," I told them. "It's time for a trip to Olympus."

"600th floor please." I asked the person behind the desk.

"No such thin- Hey, haven't I seen you before?" He asked Percy.

"Uh, three times actually." Percy told him. He sighed.

"You know the drill. Insert this key card, blah blah blah. The usual." This guy was starting to remind me of Dionysus. We followed his brief instructions and pressed the 600 button. The music had gotten better, although our faces and demeanor didn't match the song "Happy" by Pharrel Williams. When the elevator doors finally opened after the twelve minutes, I stepped out onto a cloud, which was surprisingly sturdy. Behind me I heard "Ooh"s and "Ah"s. We walked on the glistening silver pathway toward the throne room of the gods. Once there, I opened the doors. Oddly, all the gods were sitting and waiting on their thrones. I looked around the room, searching for her.

"I HATE YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHERE ARE MY-" I stormed up to my mother, then felt the tugging of Percy holding me back.

"My child," Athena said. "Do not fear. It was necessary to take the children away for the process."

"What process?!" I screamed.

"Restrain yourself," Athena gazed down at me, her eyes stormy gray. "The children are being well cared for and safe."

"But where are they?!" I shrieked again.

"You will find out soon enough." Athena said calmly. I was about to scream when Zeus silenced me.

"Quiet!" He boomed. "We decided the way you helped Olympus in both the Titan war and the war with Gaea has made all the difference. In honor of your service, we have decided to make you and your children all minor gods." My mouth fell slack. Me a goddess? And Percy, with me forever? All my anger dissolved immediately. I was going to be a goddess!

I promised some of you an update, and here it is! I hope you liked it!


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