~ Going to the gym together ~

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Goodmorning/ good evening/ good... dawn to you all! Sorry about the weird word above there... I like to say (heh-whoa) and I had no idea how to spell it so it's planted up there xD. Welcome to my crazy mind. Hope you guys are enjoying your life and if you're not, then my homework for you is to give one thing that you enjoy about yourself. You don't have to comment it, you just need to say out loud what you love (Make sure it's positive). You guys are all beautiful and handsome in your own way. The biggest enemy you can have is yourself. I hope you find this update somewhat relatable because I don't go to the gym and I know that if I go there... I'll be one of those people who overuse their muscles in like ten minutes xD. 

Quote of the day!

"The only person you should try to be better than is the person who you were yesterday"

- Anonymous (Pretty sure Gai sensei would say this anyway xD)


Since coming here, you had been relying on the park near your street corner apartment for your daily exercise. It was how you got to work in the morning and how you came back at night, that is until Keith decided to pick you up on the way home. On one of your nights of exploring the internet, you found a decent establishment that wasn't too far away. You and Keith hadn't gone out in a while so why not head over to the gym?

The first thing that caught your eye was the treadmills. Keith, however, turned his interest to the chin-up bars and started to work on them. I couldn't help but peak a couple of times while you were working out. The whole purpose of you going to the gym was to find out if the place was all right, not forget that you accidentally sped up the treadmill a bit too fast. You pecked intensely on the slow down button and breathed a sigh of relief, hoping only the security cameras saw that.

You moved around the gym quite a bit, exploring the place. You noticed a family come in. They were very fit and healthy. Two of the guys were not that bad here as well. You guessed the guy with the dirty blonde hair was the eldest and the younger one had brown hair. Keith wasn't a bit too happy and started a conversation to distract you.

"Hey, you said that you did a bit of Taekwondo right?" Keith asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, why?" You asked. Keith nodded over to a kickboxing area. Your mouth widened. "I haven't done this in years!" You exclaimed. You walked over to the equipment as a wave of nostalgia crashed into you. You noticed a pair of mitts and smirked. "You said that you took some lessons as well right?" You asked. 

"Years ago" Keith muttered, rubbing the back of his next. You shrugged and gestured for Keith to pick up some mitts. Keith slowly slipped some gloves on, never breaking his stare at you. You were smirking with confidence, Keith looked like he was going to die and was doing a horrible job trying to hide it.

"What do you remember?" You asked.

"Hopefully enough to keep me alive" Keith answered. You started off slow, aiming near his chest, somewhere blatantly obvious. For a while, Keith was able to keep up with your predictable moves but you were getting tired of simple and slow. You suddenly kicked off the side of Keith, just missing his side. Keith was knocked off his feet and stumbled.

"Are you sure you took lessons?" You giggled.

"I said that I took lessons years ago" Keith repeated. You laughed and jumped on your feet.

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