Chapter Twenty-Eight - No Happy Endings

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The soft sea waves lapped against the trodden, murky beach. I let my eyelids flutter closed once more as I breath in the briny aroma, leaning my back against the dark sand. Maybe I should just let him go? I'm tired, cold and ridiculed whilst he sits on his ship as right as rain. It's like even how far I travel I always end up in the same place, I had it all! But now I'm just a teenage runaway brooding by the sea.

"You shouldn't be here" A deep voice announced his presence, brindled sediment creaked and groaned under the large weight of the muscled pirate standing towards the side of me, without looking up I noticed the deepened scuff marks on his boots- presumably from forcefully smashing it into a concrete building wall. The stress of my departure seems to have had a larger toll than I expected, I knew that he would be raging once he found out but back on the boat? He seemed like he didn't care about me like our whole lives together hadn't happened and I was once again an outsider.

"This is no man's land, Melanie-"
"I know, I know. The beach between the street to Bargain castle and Uma's 'territory, this is the first place we met. Do you remember?" I muttered as I slowly lifted my body from the sand "I was wearing a little brown dress that I stole from my sister. That night, it had rained and rained, the beached was water-logged and some of the sodden mud had flicked up at the trim. I tried ever so hard not to ruin it but when a larger, stronger boy knocked me over the whole thing was wrecked, but you offered me the deal of a lifetime. The night my whole life turned onto a new path- a path full of joy and power. The path that leads to my one true love..." I reminisced to the boy, but his expression never faltered, piercing blue eyes beamed into my own whilst his deep brown hair hung low across his forehead as his tricorn hat was seemingly thrown on the back of his head whilst his bandana was half off, knot fallen to the side. Eyeliner smudged and features smirkless, the boy rested one palm against the cool sheath of his cutlass whilst his left hand was without a shining hook but instead clasped around a violet pirate hat- mine.

He raised it slightly, before looking down at it and back towards me as if he was considering his every move.
"I thought you'd want this" He spoke, voice emotionless and bland as he tossed the accessory, aimlessly towards my position. It was as if he flicked a switch and all memories of us two together have been erased entirely, I thought maybe if I remind him of us, maybe just something would get back to him.

"I'm not a pirate, Harry. I have no crew, no family. Pirates are like wolves- they travel in packs but I've been exiled for a cause that wasn't up to me."

"You'll die out here, you don't have a place to go." He muttered with his voice just above a whisper, I watched the boy I loved so broken and conflicted; I knew deep down he still cares for me, how can everything be so contrasted after the few days I have been gone? We've loved each other for years- at least I have. The lasting impression of an innocent girl from an unloved family, a young, handsome boy just appears one night and promises the deal of a lifetime but now these memoirs seem to have dissipated.

I agreed with his words, but there was nothing else I was able to achieve. I possibly had the ability to reside in the Captain's quarters of Harriet's ship but there was no way that I would simply retreat back to the docks like a beaten pup with my tail between my legs, feeble and helpless returning to Uma's protection- not that she would have me anyway. This is not the recognition that a daughter or Maleficent should own, people should be cowering beneath my feet but instead, I am isolated in the darkness of the slums, no family, no friends.

I thought I had worked for my place, earned the spot right next to the Captain and first mate, not from the bottom of the crew but I paid my respects through my neglect as a young child, looked up the powerful crew that held reign over the entire docks.

"Well I thought that was what you wanted"

He stiffened, slightly, before diverting his eyes to the floor. I take a short step forwards, towards the young pirate yet his features did not flicker, I trace his lip lightly with the tip of my finger. It pouts slightly, and I have such an urge to kiss it, to wrap us up in a blanket and listen to our light breathing, watching the waves ripple like skipping stones and sharing heartfelt smiles. His lip feels slightly chapped under my feather light touches but I simply cannot bring myself to crawl back into his grasp.

Letting a chaste tear drop from my eyes, I slowly reached around the back of my neck and feeling the coolness of metal against my burning skin, I unclasped the beautiful locket that Harry first gifted me when we began dating and let it drop into the palm of my right hand. It was as if the world fell away and all colors had been drained.
"It was going to be me and you against the world" He sounded broken and his icy blue eyes now dulled into a depressing grey.
"We don't get happy endings..." I repeated what I first told him, that night on the rooftop where we shared our first kiss "Goodbye Harry"


I'm so so so sorry for the long gap between posting but these next few months are going to be super busy with my GCSE's but I will write whenever I can. Thanks so much for all of your support, also please keep commenting with your ideas for the story because I LOVE reading them and seeing what you all think and enjoy.
lysm x
-Anon xx

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