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"Telling the Truth"

Y/N's POV:

Your eyes widened frozed.

"Why would someone love a killer.... b-but..."

"You do... r-right...?" Hoseok held back his tears. You shook your head, refusing to admit it. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"No I don't!" You let go of Hoseok and ran back into the school without any hesitation.


You ran back into the classroom and saw the killer there in the ground, bleeding from all the pins that had stabbed him. He screamed in pain. You rushed to him and looked at his arm that is extremely injured.

You tried to take all of the pins out but it was too painful for him.

"Ok... this will hurt.... b-but it will only be a second." You told him. He looked at you, making you avoid his eye contact.

"Go on." He said and you started pulling the pins out of his arm. He tried to hold in the pain.

"Why am I doing this...."

You took off your jacket and wrapped his injured arm to stop the bleeding. You tried to make him stand up. Your light blue jacket was now stained with his blood.

Hoseok's POV:

I looked at Y/N as she ran back into the school.

"What the hell is wrong with her?!"

I reached the classroom and peeked. There was Y/N, bandaging the killer's arms. My heart broke into million pieces as I see her helping the person who was targeting and trying to kill her this whole time.

I left the room sadly, with my head down and headed home.

Y/N's POV:

"We got to get out of here." I told him. "Y-You go first, I'll tidy up the classroom."

You turned around to pick up the pins and threw it into the trash bin and clear all the evidence that Hoseok had made. You even kept the knife in your bag.

"L-Look, the reason why I helped you is that becaus-"

You turned around but he was already gone. You sighed and continued on cleaning.


Everything was more worse at school. Jennie didn't came to school because she went to visit her grandmother and Hoseok stopped talking to you. You were alone the whole entire day.

As the bell rang, you headed outside the school to go home but someone stopped you.

"We have to talk. About what happened yesterday."

You felt a mini heart attack in your chest as you followed Hoseok to his house. He decided to take you to his place since his parents were not home.


You sat awkwardly on the couch, waiting for him to speak.

"Why did you help him?" He spoke, breaking the silence. You slowly looked up at him but you didn't answer.

"You don't understand Hoseok."
"What DON'T I understand?"

You didn't wanted to answer.

"You have to be honest with me Y/N." He spoke louder.

"Do you love him...?"

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