Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Power of Winged Eyeliner

"Great spirits have alwats encountered violent opposition from mediorcre minds." -Albert Einstein.


 "Wow, there's a lot of people here," I mumble in awe as Captain Rogers and I walk to the entrance of the garden.

 "I just hope they can all get to safety in time though," He replies as he only sees them as potential victims.

 I nod before a host dressed in a fine suit greets us as we enter the soirée. The crowd thins a bit as the large garden provides plenty of room for the people to disperse. Live music is being played by a small orchestra on the stage in the center edge of the garden. Tables are scattered around the edge of the garden and attract many throngs of guests. Servers meander around carrying trays each containing a different type of appetizer or drink. I pluck a drink off of a passing by waiter.

 "Alcohol?" Steve raises an eyebrow.

 "Water with lime," I reply as I take a sip.

 "Well, in that case," Captain Rogers steals the same drink from the tray. He holds it out in front of him, "To saving the world."

 "To defeating the Titans," Our glasses clink.

 "We should walk around to get a feel for this place," Steve looks around.

 I nod as we begin our loop. I notice more and more people arriving to the soirée. I begin to worry about these civilians' lives. Our team prodded Director Fury to see if there was any possible way we could call off the soiree, for it is too risky to have so many innocent people standing in a future battle field. However, once again he insisted that there is no possible way; he argued with the Head of Relations, but just could not stop it. The head coordinator of the party fought that "to cancel the party on a random hypothesis that an alien species is going to attack the peaceful country of Germany would be a sin and a disgrace against those fought in the war". Plus, the man had the head of German Homeland Security and the mayor of Berlin on his side; there was not anything else we could do. 

 We are halfway around the perimeter of the gardens when I see Agent Romanoff and Thor getting out of the limo. Even though to the common guest he looks completely normal, Thor looks out of place. I am used to seeing him in his full glory and armor. Now disguised in a tuxedo and his blond hair temporaritly styled back, Thor looks awfully uncomfortable. Mjolnir is concealed as a sophisticated cane, not drawing any attention like a weapon would. The pair sees us, nodding discreetly to acknowledge us. As we turn around, Steve accidentally bumps into another man. His shoulder clods the other guest's, causing him to take a step backwards. Apparently this angers the man, who begins to shout at us in German.

 "Wie kannst du es wagen! Weisst du nicht, wer ich bin? Herrgott, die Jugend heutzutage hat überhaupt keine Manieren. Das zeigt, wie korrupt die nächste Generation ist. Ich werde meinen persönlichen Sicherheitsdienst rufen!" The older man yells.


 "Ich entschuldige mich für ihn, er wollte Sie nicht schubsen. Bitte verzeihen Sie ihm, er hat es nicht böse gemeint," I respond calmly, but quickly.

 "Es freut mich, dass du dich für deinen respektlosen Freund einsetzt," He scoffs.

 "Dies ist das erste Mal, dass er in Deutschland ist. Bitte, es war ein Unfall," I plead earnestly.

 "Na gut, aber er muss vorsichtiger sein. Manche Herren werden ihn nicht so schnell verzeihen, wie ich es getan habe," He gives in.

 "Danke, danke, einen guten Abend," I smile politely as I pull Captain Rogers away.

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