Chapter Twenty Nine

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I had managed to make it home in one piece, despite the tears and the self hatred. No words seemed appropriate for any situation. I was searching my mind, and drawing blanks. By the time I managed to sleep, it would be time to get ready for the wedding, so I thought better of it. Instead, I sat awake fighting the thoughts that were thundering through my mind. It seemed as though everything was coming to a halt in life, except for my emotions on it's downward spiral. I knew that I couldn't go through with the plan after last night, and I knew that I wouldn't anyway. Even if the plan remained. I was weak, an unable. 

"Vivian?" My mother's voice was gentle, "I noticed you left early. Are you well?"

"Plenty," I said, "I'm well." My mother entered anyway and I didn't try to hide the tissues and the makeup streaming down my face because she already knew. She got closer to me and sat on the edge of my bed. 

"I'm sorry Vivian." She said softly, "Life's not easy, but it's always going to be worth it in the end." 

"I'm not so sure." I said slowly. 

"Maybe you won't believe me, but there's someone on the phone I think you'll believe more." She handed me the phone and walked out of the room. I stared at it for a minute and then lit the screen to check caller ID. It displayed my father's name and I swallowed hard. I debated answering it, and debated just sliding the 'end' button on. I finally picked it up and breathed shallowly so he couldn't hear the panic. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Viva." He said in a quiet voice. I smiled, and hated myself for it but knew it was better that he couldn't see it.

"What made you call me?"

"Well, your mother told me what was going on. I made myself call, even though I was hesitant." 

"Why did you hesitate."

"We're not exactly on good terms."

"You mean because you walked out of my life and jumped ship to leave me here with mom and Viper, thus putting me into an awkward situation where I've got nobody and think I'm gay?" I spit out in one long breath and he sighed on the other end. His discomfort gave me little joy, but some. 

"Yes Vivian, because I'm the selfish asshole who left you and didn't try to contact you."

"I know you did." I said, "But that doesn't make up for the split home, and the broken life. I was the only kid dad, the only kid who had one parent."

"You had to Viva, I was trying. Just, from further away." 

"Why dad? I wasn't worth staying close." I pressed further and he sighed again. I could hear him thinking, and the steam rushing from his ears as all the cogs he used to think were slowly turning. I sighed in response and waited for him. 

"Viva, have you ever had a dream that was so easy to relive?"


"Have you ever wanted something more than anything else?" He asked. 

"Yes." I said growing more uncomfortable by the fact that he was still right. 

"Well, being in my band was mine. That's why I left. It was what I wanted more than anything."

"More than me?" I demanded.

"No, I never planned to have you."

"You're doing great," I joked, "I'm going." 

"No, please. Listen to the rest." 

"Five minutes." I said.

"I left because I wanted to fulfill that dream. Is yours this girl?"

"I think so Dad." I said slowly, and then dreaded the fact that I acknowledged him as my father. 

"Then chase her. Chase her no matter the loss, or you'll never be happy."

"Even if I lose Viper?"

"I thought i lost him and you. But you're here talking to me, and just called me daddy. No matter how far away I am, I will love you."

"I love you too dad." I hung up mom's phone before he continued his speech and I cried again. I laid in bed with mom's phone on my chest for several minutes before she knocked. 

"Sweetie?" She asked.

"Yes?" I whispered but she managed to hear me. She came in and sat on the edge of my bed and cupped my face. 

"The makeup artist is here, and the hair stylist is going to share the room and work along side of her. We've got to get this show on the road." I perked up in bed.

"You're right, we do." I said in an upbeat tone. She smiled, and seemed pleased. Little did she know there was more than the wedding preparation in mind. This one show would be the rest of my life, and I was positive of it. I knew what I wanted, and I knew how to get it. I devised a plan, and I knew what to say suddenly. I thanked my dad silently, and my mother nodded at my hands in front of me. 

"I'll meet you in the dinning room."

"Deal." I climbed from bed, and headed to my closet. The light clicked on and I took the thousand dollar dress out and headed into the bathroom. I showered quickly and slipped it on. I looked slim, and elegant. I looked scared, and ready at the same time. I nodded and rounded the corner into the dinning room. 

"Hello!" A bright blue eyed woman smiled at me and I smiled back. "Could you have a seat right here?"

"Yes, of course." I said and I sat down without further question. She slipped a black barber's coat over my shoulders and I smiled. She smiled back in the mirror and tugged my hair back. 

"You have beautiful hair!" She nearly yelled and I laughed. 

"Thank you, I get it from my dad." She cooed and began drying it. Through the noise arrived another girl who looked exactly like her. I looked between them startled and they laughed together in unison. 

"We're twins." The makeup specialist said to me. 

"Me and my brother are too." I looked across the room at him, but he sat in his suit silently. I winced and looked back. The lady was brushing out my quickly dried hair and teasing back a small section while the curling iron warmed up. The makeup artist was pressing on long fake eyelashes. She was pleased and smiled as I batted them. Cecilia was across the room, getting her hair and makeup done too. My mom was between us and I looked her over. She was stunning already and I was overly excited to see the finished product. I watched the people around me working effectively as a team and slid my phone out in front of me. I sent a text to Savannah that said:

"The plan is still on, so show up to everything on time."

"Got it." She replied instantly. I laughed and watched a tight ringlet fall to the side of my cheek and smiled at the woman in the mirror.

"Are these an okay size?"

"They're okay," I said, "they're more than okay. Everything will be." She smiled back, not sure what I was speaking of but I appreciated her enthusiasm and she noted it. It meant better tips for her, but it was encouragement for me. 

"Cecilia?" My mother called. 

"Yes?" She asked.

"Are you ready dear?"

"Of course. Good luck." She said. 

"I won't need it, let's will the lucky to Vivian." She smiled and I smiled back because she knew the true intentions of tonight. I sat silently with my eyes closed and she was silent from the other side. Things were falling into place, and I knew for sure the goals and important pieces to tonight. I was going to get the girl, and spare Viper and I. 

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