That Makes Two of Us

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                                                                            Jay's POV

       "So, what's your question?" Nathan asked through his clenched teeth.

" Should I tell her?" I asked, what the fuck was up with Nathan?

       "I don't know, mate. She has been put threw a lot today. Maybe once we get to know her better. " Well, Max is probably right about that. I need Nath's opinion though because he seems to be closer to her than the rest of us. I looked at him for his suggestion. He just glared at me and looked out the window. I was gonna ask him what that was about, but we had just pulled into the hospital.

      Once we arrived at the hospital, we handed Spencer some of Michelle's clothes and Nathan said he would take her shopping tomorrow. She is staying with us again? Doesn't she have a house? Not sayng I don't want her to stay with us of course... I wonder if she likes movies? Avatar?

"Spencer, do you like Avatar?" I asked her when we were all sitting around in the living room.

"What's Avatar?" OMCOAB! (Oh, my Christ on a bike)

"Oh you know only a...MASTER-MIND MOVIE!" I yelled at the end she started giggling. She is so damn cute! Nath was in the kitchen making some tea and after he heard her laugh he came out with a big smile on his face.

"What cha smiling about baby Nath?" Tom asked him as he pinched Nathan's cheeks.

"Spencer's laugh is adorable!" he took a sip of tea only to freak out because of the tea's temperature. We all started laughing at him as he ran to the kitchen to get ice.

       We all decided to watch Avatar, and I recited every line. Spencer seemed very fascinated with my ability to do so.  Everyone fell asleep except for Nathan and myself. Spencer was laying across Nathan, Seev, and  I with her head in his lap and her feet on me.

"Nathan we need to talk." He nodded and rolled his eyes. We gently got spencer off ourselves and moved Siva over so her head was in his lap. We walked into Max's room since it was the furthest from where everyone was sleeping.

"What do you think about Spencer and myself?" I asked him.

"I don't think it should happen." He said while his hands kept forming a fist and then letting loose again.

"Why not? I like her!" 

"Because, Jay I LIKE HER! Ugh!" He flinged himself onto the bed. That explains a lot. 

"Nathan, it isn't fair if nethier one of us dates her. How about we have Spencer choose?" This could possibly be fun, have a little competition.

"Hmm... We would have to make some rules though. Like no kissing her, she has to kiss you. You can't talk about it with the other guys, they might tell her." He said. Two rules were enough in my opinion.

"I think that's all the rules we need Nathan."


"Deal?" I asked him.

"Deal." he responded and with that we feel asleep in Max's bed. We aren't gay. Haven't you heard of Jaythan McSykes? We won't let a girl come in between us.

Sup? What do you think of Nathan and Jay's little game to win Spenc over? I want you to tell me who you want to win and I will add up the votes and he shall be the winner! For Jay write 'Curly' in the comments if you want him to win and for Nathan write 'Sid'!!!! <3 u all with my fist size heart!!!!!!!!!!!

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