~ Author's Note And New Writing Piece ~ (PLEASE READ)

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Author's Note: I'm sorry for not updating this story everyone. I have lost all motivation to write for a couple of months. I know you guys are looking forward to the next chapter and so am I but my motivation isn't coming back like I wish it would. So lately I have been trying to do writing prompts here and there to see if I can write more. It's help, but only a little. I would write a piece, like a paragraph or two before stopping. You can say I'm stuck. I have many story ideas and new characters and poems and just a lot of things that everything is crashing down on top of one another and it sucks. I'm sorry, I'm really trying. BUT I have seen this new fictional disease going around lately. The name of the disease is called "Hanahaki Disease." Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear. This fictional disease stood out to me so I decided to write a little piece about it. And what's a better way to write about this fictional disease then by introducing our favorite little Annie's twin, Alice Hatter.

This piece will be about Alice Hatter and how she suffers from Hanahaki Disease. Hope you enjoy this piece and one you guys finish reading this, I have a surprise right after this.


Hanahaki Disease

Flower petals. That's all I saw on the floor as I continued to cough them up into the toilet. I love flowers but me throwing up flower petals almost every other hour is making me start to hate them. I wish I can make this stop. Why was I punished with this? Oh, that's right. Because he came into my life. He made me feel safe and also fuzzy on the inside. I thought he loved me but he didn't. He just played with my heart and through me to the side like I was nothing at all.

I got up from the floor flushing the toilet as I watched all the colorful petals go down with the water before going to clean up whatever mess I made. Once I was done I cleaned myself up and went back to my room and laid back underneath the covers and just let whatever thoughts go through my head. Why did I meet him? Why do I love him? Why did I let him in knowing I'll get hurt? He loves my sister, not me. He'll never loved me back. I was his rebound. He didn't want to have a relationship with me. He wanted a relationship with Annabel but she loves someone else. She loves Laughing Jack. So how come he's not throwing up flower petals himself? Why doesn't he have this disease? Is it because Annabel still has some little feelings for him? Is it that? I really hope not because she looks so happy with LJ..

BEN.. BEN.. BEN Drowned.. Why did you have to capture my heart and my feelings? Why must I continue to love you? You don't deserve to have my love but yet.. You do.. I want to hate myself for loving you but I can't. I just can't and it hurts so much. I felt a burning sensation in my throat again knowing I'll throw up but I pushed it back down. I don't want to throw up no more. It really hurts. The acid is killing me and I can't sleep. I have horrible bags under my eyes and I'm not as organized as I used to be anymore.

I got up from my bed and went to my window and looked out into the backyard. There was Annabel and Laughing Jack laughing and playing around. Probably getting ready to go on their next killing spree soon with everyone. I miss going on those lately. I looked around the backyard more and there was BEN watching them from the tire swing. He has such a cute sparkle in his eyes- Wait what am I saying. I shouldn't even be thinking about any of that. I shook my head before blinking hearing a knock on my door looking over. "Come in." I said as I sat down on my computer chair. The door opens soon after and walked in my uncle, Slenderman. "Alice? You haven't been down from your room all day. Are you alright, child?" I'll blink looking up at him with a sigh shrugging a bit saying "Not really. I've been throwing up a lot but I can handle it." Uncle Slender would be turned to me shaking his head a bit saying "That isn't alright, child. You must be checked out." And I let out a small noise looking pup at him saying "It's fine, Uncle Slender.. I can handle-" before cutting myself off quickly covering my mouth getting up from my chair rushing into the bathroom kneeling down next to the toilet throwing up into it grimacing at all the colorful petals in the toilet.

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