Chapter 5

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Annabeth's POV

As soon as I heard the news I shot up from where I was sitting on my temporary room's bed and told Magnus to call Biltzen and Hearth from their honeymoon/Brocation thing and tell them to come immediately and I called Piper, Leo, Jason, Nico, Frank, Hazel and Percy to meet us at the Brooklyn House.

We got in one of the camp's van and started the hour-long drive to Brooklyn. After we arrived in Brooklyn we drove to the Brooklyn house where Carter and Sadie met us and brought us into the Brooklyn house.

"Annabeth, Kwai one of the wizards who fought with Vladimir died in his prison cell and no one can figure out how."(A.N. I kinda had to resurrect him cause all the murderers were dead) Sadie said.


"Well... Um... wait you called who now?" Sadie asked.

"My cousin Magnus Chase, he is the son of Freyr and well he's kinda dead," I responded sheepishly.

"Wait you called over you dead Norse demigod cousin to Brooklyn house?" Carter asked.

"Yes I did and I have no regrets," I said.

"Well then. Who wants tea?"

"-and Percy Imed me right in the middle of a makeout session with Renya

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"-and Percy Imed me right in the middle of a makeout session with Renya. Turns out he was calling to break up with me to be with little miss deathboy over here." Annabeth was drunk on the mead that Magnus brought as he thought it was a party. 

"Why did the Percy give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse!" Piper joked said.

"Its nearly midnight and you all are too drunk to drive so why don't you stay here tonight?" Carter said.

Everyone made some sort of noise to signal agreement and the found places around the Brooklyn House to crash.

See You Again (Kotlc and Pjo crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora