#16 Saturday Evening "Endless"

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An empty pizza box lay on the floor at the foot of the bed along with a few crumpled napkins and two water glasses. Usually Lacey didn't like to leave a mess, she was the type of person who washed dishes immediately after use. But tonight she couldn't bring herself to rise from the bed.

It wasn't that she was tired, Lacey had slept well the night before - when she was in Marie's bed. But now Marie was in her bed, unruly hair tucked behind her ear as she lay on her side so she could see Lacey full on. Lacey had turned too, so that their noses were three inches apart. Their elbows, each tucked under their heads touched and every so often, and when Marie made Lacey's body vibrate with laughter so would their toes.

Lacey had no idea how long they'd been lying in her bed. She couldn't remember the last time she'd let someone into her apartment, she didn't like the idea of having many folks over. Especially after she'd sold a majority of her furniture to pay her electric bill months ago. Her home had become something shameful, her bed nothing more than a place where she stared at the ceiling and remembered the past.

But tonight, her room was alive.

Lacey had led the way to her apartment timidly. It was dark, with no moonlight to shine down on the uneven sidewalk blocks. Even though she led Marie the long way - the one with slightly more street lights - Lacey flinched at every alleyway.

When walking alone Lacey usually took wide girths at the openings, giving herself enough space to run should someone leap from inside.

Like they had in mid July.

Halfway through the walk and four alleyway flinches later Marie took notice. Without saying a word Marie placed herself between Lacey and the buildings so that Lacey walked on the street side.

Lacey had pretended not to mind as Marie hooked her arm through Lacey's. Marie recognized the baristas fear, although she did not know it's origin.

"When did you first decide you wanted to be an editor?" Marie's eyes were bright with curiosity despite the late hour as she scooted a centimeter closer.

They'd spent most of the night telling stories, simple ones about their childhood or finicky customers, but minutes ago they'd landed on aspirations. It started when Lacey asked how the expansion of Share & Care was going. Marie had grumbled something about ironing out the contract and 'goddamn real estate agents' before she'd turned the cards on Lacey.

Lacey squinted a smile playing on her lips. "Still compiling your dossier?"

"There seems to be endless things I want to know about you." Marie's grin made Lacey blush and she turned away so she was on her back, though no further from Marie's face as she twisted her head back to look at the coffee eyed girl.

"I like to tell people what to do." She smiled mischievously.

Marie rolled her eyes. "Clearly. I've got that bookmarked more than a few times."

"Oh and tell me you don't like being in charge, Miss I run my own business at 24."

"You got me, I might even make plans at times."

Lacey raised her eyebrow as she turned back to her side her hair moving with her and catching onto Marie's eyelash. For a moment Lacey was caught in Marie's gaze. They'd closed the distance between their noses to one inch.

One more inch and - Lacey thought of the way she'd woken this morning. The weightlessness and content she'd felt before she'd checked her phone. Just the thought made her heart sink. The night had been perfect without the tarnishing thought that it would be her last in her bed.

Lacey brushed the thought and her hair behind her back as she spoke. "So you do make plans."

"I'm human aren't I?"

"And here I was thinking you were against them."

Marie shrugged off a laugh. "I'm against dogmatic planning. People get so caught in their path that they forget to watch the world around them." She reached out to tuck a strand of hair Lacey had missed but as she wove it behind her ear her fingers lingered. Soon they were pulling her face toward Marie's. "Sometimes you've got to run through the rain." She whispered before their lips connected. 

Hope  you enjoy xo 

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