Thank you

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After two years, we have come to the end of Forgiving You. It has been a wonderful experience where I loved writing Salman, Nawal, Daud and Susan. At the start when I did commence writing Forgiving you I had only one vision to write a story where characters are not perfect and where a woman does make a mistake and the man forgives her. This is very rare still in eastern societies, however, I have seen if a man truly loves the woman he will eventually forgive her. We should all learn to forgive bear in mind when Allah the creator can forgive us with our grave and so many sins then why can't human beings be forgiving. In this book, many aspects of forgiveness was looked upon. I hope I was able to convey the message as clearly as I had vision it.

In the epilogue we see the glimpses of stories that are ahead. Saad and Amal's story is next in Fostering You. I loved writing multiple couples story as I did in Forgiving You which is why we will see Usamah and Sabah's story parallel playing out in Fostering You. As for Manal's story much needs to be look forward to there. All norms and stereotypes will be broken. So alert to all haram police there. Lastly, Falling Hard is perhaps the most awaited book for me. I can't wait to dip my fingers in ink to write it. It is going to be a very very difficult controversial topic. A taboo topic that isn't very much looked upon in Eastern cultures. Now the question that arises what is that taboo topic? For this story I will keep my lips sealed as there is an element of suspense in the book and I will only reveal at the end of the book regarding the taboo topic.

Lastly, there are many people I need to thank who have been my main support during the writing process of Forgiving You. I would like to thank ssha1kh for her immense time and creativity to continuously design and create videos that brought my characters to life. I am indebted to her for bringing excitement in the chapters. I would like to thank hayatiofparadise for being one of the first staunch supporters of Salman and because of her Salman was named Salman meri jaan. mas921 Was not far behind supporting Salman.   AashiIrf had been opposed to that view and stuck by Daud through thick and thin. Then there are girls at the whats app groups I am in who always had big debates and discussion on Salman and Daud. Thank you for all your support.

And finally, a big thank you to all the Daud and Salman teams. Never did I think these men will bring out teams that were so passionate for them. A big hug for all.

I would also like to recommend a friend's story. My college friend has recently joined Wattpad and has started writing her first book. Do check out TheSoulfulGypsy book.

Love you all, please continue to support, read, vote, comment and love my writing and this would push me to go on even though I don't have much time these days.

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