Arc 1 Part-9

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Li FeiHong felt like beating the shameless, Feng Mian but as his mind was creating images of beating the man. Shi Jing called him.

"Ah Jing?" FeiHong's eyes turned gentle as he answered the phone, his men stared at him in shock at how fast their boss had switched personalities so fast.

"FeiHong, have you seen Wang Kai's interview with Feng Mian?" Shi Jing smiled slightly as he stared at the clip on his computer. If Feng Mian had fallen for his best friend it would be easy to control him, RFCN should be his.

"No?" Li FeiHong was tilted his head in confusion as he went onto his computer to pull up that interview. "Shi.....Jing" FeiHong cleared his throat as he finished watching the clip if he were to say he wasn't touched that would be lying.

"FeiHong it seem's he's fallen in love with you" Shi Jing coyle spoke into the phone as he waited for his friend to reply.

"He's just messing around, don't take it too seriously" For some strange reason FeiHong felt like he shouldn't discuss what Feng Mian had done to him. Rubbing his chest tiredly his finger lightly traced the man's image on the screen.

"FeiHong, if you could speak to Feng Mian about me getting more shares from his company it would be helpful. He want's 15% in shares but he is only giving me 2%" Shi Jing's voice sounded disgruntled.

"I'll see what I can do" Not bothering to wait for his friends reply he hung up. His heartache as he felt lost. He should speak to Feng Mian and ask for more help for his friend, but for some reason that thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Sighing he rubbed his face tiredly as he leaned back on his chair, "What are you trying to do Feng Mian?"

YuYan completed the proper paperwork as she finished she looked down seeing the time was right she didn't bother to stay longer. "Goodbye" saying a few farewells she made a quick exit from the office.

"Parasite, what have the protaganists done today?"

"Shi Jing told Li FeiHong to help him get more shares" Parasite felt tired from fighting off the shameless YuYan he decided to just give her the information.

"Oh?" A dark glint flashed through YuYan's eyes as she called FeiHong. "Address?" when the other man picked up the phone all he heard was the silky voice of Feng Mian.

Sighing he gave him his address. FeiHong looked back at the video clip, was he really telling the truth? He mused silently.

"Parasite, what are the chances that I can sleep with FeiHong tonight?" YuYan tapped her lips slightly in worry.

"Host FeiHong seems classy, he wont give himself up on the first date" Parasite quick reply calming YuYan's heart a bit.

In her previous life she just had one night stands not bothering to romance the men she was with. Was she a slag? Laughing slightly she withdrew that thought, last life she knew she would die so she had enjoyed all of life that she could. Where did she have the time to wait for someone she cared about to give her body to? That was just a luxury she couldn't afford.

"Hmm" A small smirk appeared on Feng Mian's lips as he sat in the car, "Even if not tonight soon he'll climb into my bed".

Parasite "......."

"Would you like to test out my car seats?" YuYan didn't bother with parasite and decided to shamelessy flirt with FeiHong.

"die,die,die,die" FeiHong's quick reply amused Yuyan. As the car paused infront of the location she waited for him to come out.

"I'll murder you if you tell me to test anything else out" Opening the door FeiHong's soft voice charmed YuYan.

"Mmm, I will stop. If you test out my hand" Smiling sinisterly Feng Mian stared at FeiHong's body as if it was a slab of meat.

The only reply given was FeiHong throwing his body against Feng Mian's balling his fists up he decided to throw all caution to the wind as long as he didn't beat the shameless bastards face it was okay. Hitting the hard flesh of the man he felt a soft touch slowly slithering towards his back. Shivering slightly he tried to push away from the other man but was grabbed their postions looked ambiguious as his chin was lifted velvet lips fell onto his mouth. Sighing he felt himself fall fully into the embrace he'll take advantage of this kiss to work out all feelings of lust for this man.

If YuYan had known FeiHong's grand plan was to use her body to get rid of all the pent up lust she would have pushed him down.

The dark car filled with sounds of kissings. Groaning FeiHong finally pushed Feng Mian away. "Meal" Pulling his tie he didn't dare to look at the other man. A seductive chuckle fell into his ears making his body react. Frowning slightly he continued to stare forward.

"Don't worry, I'll feed you." Licking FeiHong's ear Feng Mian slightly bit the soft tissue. "And if the meal isn't to your taste I have a silky lollipop for your dessert"

Pushing Feng Mian away, FeiHong slid as close to the door as he could staring at Feng Mian as if he was a rabid wolf.

"My love, this isn't how a triad boss should react" Chuckling Feng Mian petted the other man's hair ruffling the silky strands.

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