54- Mali's Elegance

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As soon as they found a place to practice, the newly named Dumbledore's Army was an immediate success.

Their first meeting Harry taught them Expelliarmus.

The haughty Hufflepuff boy said that they all knew it already, but Harry insisted that it was a very useful spell.

"Expelliarmus." Mali said again. Venus's wand flew out of her hand, sparking like mad.

"Mali, stop doing that every time that I pick the bloody thing up." Venus hurried to pick her wand back up.

"Expelliarmus!" Mali grinned as Venus's wand flew out of her hand again.

"I get it, you can do the spell!" Venus picked her wand up again.


"I'm going to kill you!" Venus growled at her friend.

At that very moment Terry Boot's wand hit Mali in the head, which distracted her.

"Expelliarmus!" Venus yelled in triumph. Mali's wand flew from her hand.


As the months progressed they approached the first Quidditch match, in which Gryffindor would be playing Slytherin.

DA meetings had to be changed so often that Hermione gave fake Galleons out to everyone. The Galleons were transfigured so that they would change to display the date of the next meeting and would burn hot when the date changed. But as the first quidditch match the DA meetings had to be postponed because of extra practice sessions.

Venus ended up in the hospital wing with a broken nose from the Slytherin keeper. Snape full out refused to take note of any of the witnesses who had seen the Slytherin punch Venus full in the face.

"He's such a douche bag." Mali said as they headed back to their lesson after Madam Pomfry had fixed Venus' nose.

"I know." Venus shrugged, "but what can we do about it? Dumbledore trusts him, he's in the Order."

"Doesn't stop him from being a douche," said Mali.

"You have such an elegant way of phrasing things," Venus laughed.

"I try my best." Mali nodded, "anyway, you and Neville."

"What about me and Neville?" Venus blinked.

Mali rolled her eyes, "don't be dense Venus, you know what I'm talking about."

"I really don't."

"Are you dating?" Mali said bluntly.

"What? No, I would have told you and Gin." Venus frowned.

Mali shrugged, "you just seem really close that's all."

"We're friends." Venus shook her head, "But what about you and Terry."

Terry Boot and Mali had been spending more time together recently. Mainly due to Ginny hanging out with Michael Corner, but it was clear that Mali had been getting closer with Terry.

Veuns hadn't been spending a lot of time with Michael and his friends, although Ginny and Mali had. Venus had never been very good at making friends, so she preferred to hang out with Neville.

Neville was really worried about his OWLs, so much so that he had already started revision. His Grandmother had been pressuring him to do well in his exams.

So Venus had been helping him, she was pretty useful in Transfiguration as McGonagall had already given her some practice OWL papers as extra work. But most of the other subjects she was pretty average at. She did the best that she could though.

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