1.3 : Allen Reid

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"Len how about this tie?" Allen ask Onyx in his ties as he was getting ready for the banquet that they would attend, he already accepted the reality that his ferret can understand human and have the same emotion so he always ask him for a opinion.

Squeak. Onyx pointed the other red tie and pull a little red bow tie in the dressing table with a heaps of colorful little bow ties's that just for him.

 Onyx pointed the other red tie and pull a little red bow tie in the dressing table with a heaps of colorful little bow ties's that just for him

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"So you want a partnered ties?"Allen chuckle in amusement and take the bow in the paws of Onyx and and helped him wear it.

Squeak "it's good" Onyx stare at his reflection in the mirror.

"Let's go" Allen picks Onyx and put him in his shoulder.

Onyx watch Allen's face as his expression turn cold by seconds. Onyx knows that the man would only be playful in private and in his presence. Allen and Onyx got in the car and the driver started the car.

[Ding! New task: Stop Luke Stone from poisoning Allen Reid]

[Points reward: 100]

[Host be careful, because it is my first time working there is not many privilege i can use to help you. I don't know what the protagonist would do to poison your target.] Sora warned Onyx because this is the first world of sora, the higher up would not give a normal privilege to him. To be a great system you should have first understand your host to complete the task so the system's life depend in their host. First world is a test for the system.

"There should be items to heighten senses in you store right?" Onyx ask curiously. This the first time that he mention the store because there is not circumstances that could make him buy items.

[There is host, it's for 50 points host.] Sora brows his store and see's a potion that can make his host senses higher than ordinary people.

[buy it] Onyx decisively said even if the price is high Onyx buy it to ensure Allen's safety.

[Ding! Super sense potion is purchased.]

A moment of dizziness, Onyx feel his surroundings stop and then his body tremble from a sharp senses that shock him to the core. He can feel it, He feels like his surrounding is very new to him. 

"ohhhhh... this is a good item"Onyx commented in sora, He's sense is so sharp that Allen's every move he can see perfectly.

[Of course host! this item will make your sense surpass human sense that he can attain in his whole life, So in this world you are a super huma.....errrrr animal?] Sora confusedly said.

"Scram!" Onyx angrily said to sora. *Alright, you don't have to remind that i'm a animal right now!*

[Host sorry QAQ] Sora said before he vanish in Onyx side.

"Sir, we're here." A voice pulled Onyx from his grumbling.

Allen fix his clothes and get out from the car. Lifting his hand the man rubbed hi fingers in Onyx neck.

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