Nineteen: The harsh truth

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EXAMS ARE OVER. Well until next year...but still.

Enjoy :) xoxox

Ari’s POV

I had a good night.

I didnt want to admit it, but i did. I had sucha  sense of normaily. Neither of us mentioned the whole 'bethroal' bit and the words 'Lycanthrope' and 'Element Manipulator' weren't used once.I didn’t get back until half twelve. 

No one was even up when I got ‘home’. Which was weird because the boys normally stayed up until three on the X-box and I would have thought Dylan was going to ask me all about my date.

“Dylan?” I whispered and quietly knocked on her door. “Dylan?”

When I received no reply I pushed the door forwards slowly and walked into her room.

“Dylan, why is everyone asleep, we don’t have school anymore? The boys never get off that bloody-” I stopped at looked at the empty bed “Dylan?”

Where the hell was she?

I ran out of her bedroom, down the corridor and into Lucas’s bedroom where the boys always played the X-box.

But they weren’t there either.

“Archie?” I called.

No reply.

“Hannah?” But I just got the same reply of silence.

Where the hell were they all?

Now’s your chance Ari. Get the hell out of here.

My heart started to pump faster, adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I knew I didn’t have long but I had the chance to get out of here and go back to my family.

Back to Stella and Taylor.

I ran into ‘my room’ and grabbed a duffle bag that Taylor had bought me a few weeks ago and threw in whatever I could: tops, jeans, skirts, dresses and shoes mainly.

 I sprinted to the front door, opening it and then slamming it shut behind me.

You didn’t bring keys so no going back now.

I didn’t waste any time; I started running down the long hill that lead to the beach.

Obviously taking the heels off first because, you can’t in heels.


I probably should have changed out of the dress and heels but I couldn’t miss my chance.

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