》wild ride

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Seth holds my hand in his, his arm wrapped tightly around me as we walk back down the mountain. I feel bad; he's stuck in the middle of this. As we've walked he's filled me in on some of what's gone on and by the sounds of it he is very fond of the Cullens.

I sigh. "Seth, just walk ahead or something."

"No no it's fine." He smiles. He's getting impatient with my slow pace and my shivering and my mood... "But hey. I have an idea... if you're open to it."

I frown. "Depends on what..."

"How about I just show you?" He asks; his eyes are pleading deep down in the depths of their warmth.

I slowly nod and he motions for me to wait. He disappears, running out of sight in a matter of seconds. I wrap my arms around me missing his warmth but soon enough the same wolf from earlier appears, trotting over gracefully.

I take a shaky breath as he kneels beside me, taking it easy and letting me adjust. I slowly reach out and run my fingers through his fur, his eyes closing as a purr type sound leaves his snout.

I smile gently. "What does this have to do with anything?" I whisper.

He whines and looks over his shoulder at his back and it takes a moment but it clicks. Oh. "I um I have to get up there..?" Even bowing down at me, his back is above my chest.

He let's out a laugh type sound and lays down flat, resting his head on his paws. I giggle small and sigh, gaining the courage to climb on top of him. The warmth is inviting and I take a deep breath laying against him, his soft fur comforting.

He slowly stands and I tangle my fingers in his neck fur, gripping tightly but trying not to pull. He looks over making sure I'm okay; I give a small nod and he begins to run, easily picking up speed.

I squeal and gasp, adrenaline coursing through me. I let out a surprisingly happy and excited laugh, shrieking at the speed. Seth let's out a happy howl and I giggle rubbing his neck. He swerved quickly but agilely through the forest like he's done it a thousand times. I notice the familiar driveway shoot by but I ignore it, the trill overpowering my previous anger and other emotions.

He sticks to the forest the entire time and I vaguely recognise the Swans house as we near. Seth slows and lays down which I take as a sign to get down. I jump down and lean on a tree as the adrenaline settles and Seth changes. He re-emerges with his black hair messy and his eyes bright, a grin stretched across his face.

"Whatcha think?"

"That was... AWESOME!" I shriek and throw my arms around him.

He laughs and hugs back, pulling away and looking down at me. I look back up at him and bite my lip, our eyes locked. Ever so slowly he leans in and I find myself leaning in too...


We both jump away and stand a few feet apart; chief Swan stands in the doorway smirking, his arms crossed. I flush deep red.

"Good afternoon, chief Swan." I blush more.

"Hey, kid, remember it's Charlie." He laughs. "You kids coming in or standing in the cold?" He raises an eyebrow.

I blush again and Seth motions me in first. I quickly walk up the steps and into the warm, sighing a little in relief. Charlie takes a look at my face for a moment, the previous smile gone.

He puts his hands on his hips. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?" He sounds professional.

I nod fast. "Yes, yes. I fell in the shower." I blush.

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