10-Awkward & Recovery

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Jimin p.o.v

When we got there everyone was still on the ground Jin had blacked back out. We took each of them and brought them back in to the house. They were mostly only bruised and cut except for Jungkook and Suga. Jungkook with a broken leg and a bite mark on each side of his neck. At least werewolves can't turn into vampires. But Suga just had a broken arm.

"Jimin I know you want to go get y/n hurry up and go get her. I'll stay here and watch them, just go." Tae says as he is putting the finishing patches on Namjoon.

" Thank you." I say as I quickly run out the door.

I didn't run for long until I smelt something familiar. I follow it till I see... Y/N!!! I rushed over to her as quick as I could. I held her in my arms placing her head on my lap. She's so pail.

" Y/N! Y/N! PLEASE WAKE UP!" I'm screaming to her. I then see he neck was bleeding. I look at it and see it's a vampire bite. I couldn't believe it! I pick her up bridal style, and rushes back to the cabin as quickly as I could.

Tae p.o.v

Everyone had woken up already, except for Hobi and Jungkook. I heard the door open.

" Tae make room!" Jimin yells.

" Jimin what's wr.... What happened!!" When I saw y/n in his arms unconscious I didn't know what to do. I pick Hobi up off one of the couches and place him on the chair. Jimin lays y/n on the couch.

" What happened?" I ask nervously.

" I don't know I was on my way to get her and found her like this laying on the ground, but look." He moved her hair away from her neck to show the bite mark. Everyone in the room gasped a little.

" Oh my gosh! Hey maybe, hopefully, the vampire didn't give her any venom." Jin says optimistically.

" In any case we still need to chain her. Or at least put some kind of restraints on her." Namjoon says.

" Go grab something Jin." Jimin says kneeling next to y/n on the floor, holding her hand. Almost sounded as if he was about to cry.

Jin comes back with hand cuffs . He puts them on her but Jimin just stayed quite by her side. We already had Suga and Jungkook's broken bones splinted. Good thing werewolf's heal fast those bones should be healed by tomorrow. Jungkook and Hobi woke up and we all got caught up on what has all happened. Mom and dad called me asking where we are. I told them we were at a friend's house and that we must of left when they weren't looking. They just wanted us to be careful and have fun. Since there was nothing else to do I started to cook. After all of this everyone must be hungry. The hole time Jimin still never left y/n's side.

" Y/n! Y/n! Oh my gosh y/n your awake!" Jimin yells from the living room. Everyone rushes in. I go straight to her and look her straight in the eyes.

" Thank God. She's fine!" I said in relief.


When I wake up my neck hurt. I open my eyes to see Jimin leaning over me with tears in his eyes. He yells something and everyone comes rushing over. What's going on? I wonder why everyone's freaking out.....Oh wait I WAS ATTACKED! Tae jumps in my face and looks me straight in the eyes.

" Thank God. She's fine." He said in relief.

Jimin pushes him away then wraps his arms around me and starts to cry on my shoulder. Everyone is watching with a caring face. Then he looks up to me and looks my straight in the face.

" Y/n I'm sorry, but I told you to stay. I told you I would come back. Why didn't you listen?" He asks still in a sad, concerned tone.

" My head hurts I can barely hear anything." I say.

" Here set up." Jimin looks more worried. He places his hand behind my back to sit me up. Everyone is still watching as you slowly get up.

" Get her something to eat. She lost quite a bit of blood she needs something." Namjoon tells Hobi.

" No I got it. I'll fix her something she likes." Tae says running toward the kitchen.

Jimin sits next to me holding my hand then letting me rest my head on his shoulder. After about ten minutes of dizziness and eye site doing in and out. Tae slowly walks back in with a tray of food, sitting it on my lap. He made me eggs, sausages, a piece of toast, and a orange. I look down ready to eat until I fill something restraining my hands. Jimin notices.

"Oh Hobi where is the keys?" He asks. Hobi hand him the keys and takes the cuffs off my wrists. Then I start to slowly eat.

" Hey guys I made enough for everyone so go get something." Tae says. Then everyone leaves to get something to eat. Except for Jimin, he didn't leave my side his arm behind my back with his hand on my waist. I finally stop being dizzy and my eye site is better. While I'm still eating I ask Jimin...

" Why aren't you going to get something to eat?"

" I'm not hungry." He quickly stats trying to avoid eye contact.

" You haven't eaten anything all day go get something." I demand him.

" No I'm goo... wha!" I put a piece of egg in his mouth and force him to eat it.

" There you go. Now what do you want I'll feed you, if you don't go on your own." I again demand. He smiles.

" OK I'll be back in a sec. Do you want anymore?"

"No I'm almost full. Thank you though." I watch him get up and he goes to eat. I see everyone else in the dining room sitting on the table eating. They were so quite. It didn't take long for Jimin to come back in with a plate. He sat back beside me and we finished eating. When everyone was done they all came back in and told me everything that had happened.

"Jungkook you were bit too!" I yell worriedly.

" Ya but don't worry even if they did inject me with venom. Werewolves can't turn into vampires, the worst thing that could happen would be it making me a little sick." He receives me by calmly telling me.

" So what about your leg do you need to go get a cast or something?" I ask him.

" No I heal quickly. Supernatural powers and all." He chuckles.

"Oh I see, how it is you care about Jungkook but not me." Suga complains.

" No I care but Jungkook is the youngest and you can handle yourself so you'll be fine." I say joking, making everyone laugh.

" I'm just glad everything's ok." I say.

Then I reach up to my neck and feel the bandage.

" Does it hurt?" Jimin asks.

" Oh on, on. It's fine." Looking up to him still sitting next to me. Then I realized something.

" Oh my goodness! Jimin I'm sorry the necklace you gave me is gone." I started to freak-out a bit.

" Don't worry I'll find it or if I can't I'll just give you another." I feel awful for losing it but he seems fine. But why were we all even attacked?

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