23- Vamp & Night

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Over all vampires p.o.v

" S*** she already had the babies!"

" Ya now we have to worry about three of those raging wolves running around on full moons. I thought we would of been safe once we killed off the pack. That d**** mut had to escape though!"

Then all the vampires suddenly became quite once a lord of some sort walks in.

" Don't worry my children, those children won't be a threat to us for a couple of years. We have time." He says in a all high and mighty manner. All the vampires get on one knee as he says that.

" M...My lord we were not expecting you." One vampire says frantically.

" Calm yourself. We will not be defeated so easily." The Lord turns around and walks back out of the room.

Y/n p.o.v

It's been a week and a half since Aurora and Leon were born. Tonight though is the full moon. I haven't realized anything till now, but how will Aurora and Leon react to it. I need to talk to Jimin today.

We had already gotten up and ate breakfast. As I was feeding Aurora and Leon Jimin was in the room with me.

" Jimin can I ask you something?" I ask him a little quietly.

" Of course you can! What's wrong?" He says back quietly.

" Well you know tonight is the full moon and all." I pause for a second, feeling tears start to build at the thought, especially for the babies. "What will happen to Aurora and Leon?" I ask quickly.

" They'll be fine." He says calmly. " They won't start transforming like I do until around the age of puberty. At most they will only go into their wolf forms but they won't be crazy like me."

" What? You're not crazy!" I say surprised he even said something like that.

" Well I might not be crazy but I sure do go crazy on full moons." I just stay quiet and look back down at Aurora and Leon.

" Jimin.. look at them. How could a crazy man make such cute children?" I ask him.

"Your just trying to cheer me up." He laughs.

"No I'm serious. Don't you think they are cute?" I laugh back.

He leans his head on my head.

" Of course I do." He says happily.

The rest of the day consisted of me and Jimin taking care of the babies. I felt bad because Jin was doing all the cooking and most of the cleaning. I told him I would help but all he said was..

" I know you would, but I like doing this. It's kind of calming for me." He says smiling with his eyes shut.

So I just left it to him. All I can say about having these babies is just that it is exhausting. I still couldn't count on anyone more than I do Jimin. He's always trying to help. We bottle feed them he enjoys giving them bottles. He also changes them sometimes. He needed a lot of help at first but I think he's gotten the hand of it now. I use to babysit a little when I was younger so I learned how to do most of this type of stuff already. The only new thing is just how much more protective I am compared to taking care of someone else's kids. I'll let anyone of the pack members play with them or hold them, but I always feel I need to be close. It's cute when on rare occasions Suga gets a hold of one of them, playing. But when he gets tired he just puts whoever he has to sleep and lays them on his chest resting one hand on them. Soon falling asleep himself. Anyway at about 8:00 they were getting hungry, again. This time we were going to bottle feed them.

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