Girl Meet

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...."No I'm not pregnant." Said Jamiah. "Oh ok." Said Mario. He took a deep breathe as if he could finally breathe again. Jamiah laughed. "Got you there, didn't I?" She asked. "Hahaha. Yep. So, I should probably start wearing protection." He said. "Ill just buy some medication." She said. "You sure babe?" He asked. "Yeah." She said. "Ok." They kissed and then Mario left. Jamiah texted the girls to come over.

It was finally the day before Mario's birthday. He was very excited. The group had a very big surprise for him. They rent a small dance house to host his formal birthday party. He had no idea about it. They all had a plan to keep him from knowing. "So Jamiah, what did you get Mario for his birthday?" Asked Jackie. "Well, I got him the newest Jordan's that he kept talking about." Said Jamiah. "Aww." Said Angel. "That's cool." Said Liyah. "So what did you guys get him?" Asked Jamiah. "Why?" Asked Somer. "So I can make sure my gift is better than all of yours." Said Jamiah. They all started laughing. "Jamiah, if u bought him a rock that says I love you and we bought him a t.v, he would still love yours more." Said Liyah. "Sureee." Said Jamiah. "It's true though." Said Angel. "Mmm I guess." Jamiah said smiling. "So what you wearing?" Asked Somer. "A black dress with long sleeve." Said Jamiah. "Aww thought u would wear something more hot." Said Jackie. "His family will be there." Said Jamiah. "Awww so you Mario....." "Don't, finish that sentence." Said Jamiah. They started laughing. "So are yall doing anything before the bday party?" Asked Somer. "Yeah just going out to eat." Said Jamiah. "Awww that's cute." Said Liyah. "Yeah." Said Jamiah. She saw Jackie rubbing her neck constantly. She looked closer and saw a red mark or Jackie's neck. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Jamiah. "What?" Asked Angel. "JACKIE?! IS THAT A HICKEY?!?!?" Asked Jamiah. They all looked at her neck. They all started screaming. "Shhhhhhh!" She said. "Did you and Shane...." "NO! No. We just made out a little." Said Jackie cutting off Somer. "You say a little but that hickey says a lot." Said Angel. "Mmhmm." Said everyone else. Jackie blushed. "So did you like it?" Asked Jamiah. "Yes it was....better than I thought." Said Jackie. "Wow. First this then y'all gonna be having...." "We are not going THAT fast." Said Jackie. "Ok." Said Jamiah. "Oh! Any new updates with you and Mario?" Asked Angel. "We talked." Said Jamiah. "About?" Asked Somer. "How we should be more careful when we are  having 'fun'." Said Jamiah. "*gasp* are you....." "NO! No no no." Said Jamiah. "Did you take the test?" Asked Liyah. "Ummm Yeahhhhh." Said Jamiah. "You sure?" Asked Jackie. "Yes." Said Jamiah. "Oooookkkkk." They all said.

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