Chapter 5

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Your POV
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You woke up in your bed with Tyler right beside you. You started to recall what happened yesterday. Well it was 5:59 in the morning so yeah yesterday, but you quickly replaced that thought with the fact that Tyler had called you princess, and had done so much for you. You wanted to be something with Tyler. More than friends, and you could see it happening too.

You hear Izzy's collar jingle as she prances into the room. She plops down in the floor beside you, waiting for you to pet her. "Sorry Iz, not right now." You say quietly, trying not to wake Ty. But, you sadly failed and Ty started to wake up.

"What time is it beautiful?" He asks you.

You immediately smile and feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach.

"Whatcha smiling about?" He asks you half asleep.

"Nothing," you say laughing. You check the time once more. "And it is 6:12." You say to him.

"Ew why are you awake so early?" He asks you. You simply laugh and you lay down, facing the precious boy himself. He pulled you into his arms, and said something you never expected to come out of his mouth.

"I love you."

You were shocked. Considering you knew he was awake and fully aware of what he was saying.

"T-Tyler did you just say. . . I love you?" You ask him sitting up.

"Shit, was I not supposed to say that?" He says getting out of the bed.

"No no no Ty it's not that. I'm just shocked," you say looking at him.

"So you don't love me back?" He questions.

You turn to him, and pull him into a kiss. At that moment a yelling Josh cane running through the door.

(Y/n) I have very exciting news that I think you'll lo-" He cut off quickly. "What the fuck is going on?" He immediately questioned.

"Umm," you say nervously.

"Are you two finally dating?!" Josh said while jumping around.

"I mean," you say looking at Tyler.

"Yes we are actually." Tyler said pulling you to his side.

"Oh my gosh!!! I'm gonna start planning the wedding and everything." Josh shouted excitedly.

You roll your eyes, and Tyler laughs. "So what is this exciting news you have?" You ask him.

"Sooooo Brendon Urie right." Josh said. You immediately detached yourself from Tyler's side, and began to freak out.

"Josh, stop. You're joking right." You said quickly. Josh pointed to Tyler and you turn your attention towards him.

"Nope, so get your stuff ready cause baby, we're going to Vegas." Tyler said smiling.

446 words

    // Much Love, Ry 💖 \\

Growing Sparks // Tyler Joseph X Reader Where stories live. Discover now