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Your pov❤️

I have been visiting Jack for awhile now, meeting by the tree we first met. Jack is really kind,funny,caring,adventurous,cute-WAIT. No no no no I do NOT have a crush on Jack Frost. Not in a million-

Ok yeah I have a crush on him.

Anyway I am meeting Jack tomorrow at our meeting spot, I really like hanging out with Jack.

"(Y/N) I need to speak with you." My mom said coming into my room like forest. "Sure about what?" "I found you hanging out with that Jack Frost boy," when mom brought up Jack Frost I started to blush but not so much mom didn't notice.
"I want you to stay away from him." She said making my heart drop. "WAIT WHAT" I said screaming. "BUT HE IS MY BEST AND ONLY FRIEND! YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME!!" I said tears filling my eyes
"BUT MOM I LOVE HIM!!" You yelled. You ran out of the forest and past the park with Jack sitting in a tree.

Jack pov💙

I saw (Y/N) running past me with tears in his eyes. 'What the hell....' I thought to myself and chase after him. (Y/N) kicked up off the ground and started to fly to the farthest building. He sat down.
" hey are you ok?" I ask
"I- umm..." (Y/N) looks a bit flustered... I wonder why...
"Hey, you look a bit flustered...are you ok?" I ask again hoping I would get an answer this time.
"Um yeah I just need some alone time..." He said
Normally I would bother him but...I don't like seeing him this way... I want to see his pretty slim- whaaaaaa naw naw naw naw naw.

Your pov💚

Jack left me to have some alone time which I'm little happy for...
I don't know what came over me I just-
I just started crying.
And well I am the heir to the throne for 'Mother Nature' or well 'Father Nature'
And when the God of nature cries the clouds do too.

*Le Time Skip*

I don't think I can face my Mother again so I'll see if I can spend the night with my friend...

The Easter Bunny

As I go down the tunnel I can feel the Suns rays fall on me through the cracks on the tunnel.
"Hello Easter Kangaroo" I shout
"Oi! Imma rabbit mate!" I hear him yell back from behind a rock.
I laugh a little from his response.
" hey bunny"
" hello forest boy, I have a job to do you can come if you want but you have to behave"
" hey I'm not a dog!"
"Well yea sure act like one, come on" he says and opens a hole to who knows where.

Can't Help But Fall For You(Jack Frost x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now