Dance With Me Fxckboy (Merome)

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People Involved: Mitch, Lachlan, Rob, Adam, Jerome, Vik, Preston, bitch ass hoe lady (it'll make sense once you read it)
Ships: Merome, Vikklan, beginning Poofless (bonus ship of bitch ass hoe lady x ground)
Word Count: 3154
Idea: Fuckboi Mitch and not-quite-as fuckboi friends go to bar and drink. Jerome is at same bar because friends thinks he needs some fucc. They ain't wrong, and Mitch and Jerome get a little too comfy (fOR MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER). But then O no, accident strike. What will happen? Will they do the bangs? Find out now! Honestly though, just read the thing. I'm writing this summary at 2am and am having too much fun with it. I swear the one shot is better quality.
Other Notes: *to be read in deep movie trailer voice* March the 5th, 2018. A wattpad user named bchgamer sent me a request with a prompt. I said that it may take a week to write, and promised that it would be worth the wait. I was wrong. Very wrong. Also deviated off the prompt a bit, but ya know. I think I got the point across. Also, I may write more about what Vikklan do, and would also be so down to write a sequel (like maybe a first date wink wink) with the Vikklan stuff in the beginning or whatev. Either way, I think I'm getting back into writing. I hope you all enjoy, and until next time, Peace my Cheeses! I love you all <3

Nothing could make the Canadian feel more comfortable than he felt as he snuck in through those thick, metal
doors and into the dimly lit room. The flashing neon lights brought peace to his mind, while the scent of sweat, sex, and alcohol mixed wonderfully in his nostrils. He let out a deep sigh as he stalked deeper into the room, turning around to smile happily at the two boys who accompanied him.

"Now this, is the life," the young Canadian spoke as he waved his friends to follow him. The boy led the other two toward the bar, where a familiar face greeted him happily.

"Ah, Hughes. It's been too long since I've seen you last. What, were you too busy with schoolwork to say hi to a good friend?" The bartender had become a good friend of his, as the Canadian boy frequented this bar whenever he could. It had started after the younger got his heart broken, and a strong bond had built between the two ever since.

"Nah, dude. Someone told the Head Asshole that we had been sneaking out at night, had to wait for the suspicion to drop," the brunet clarified as the bartender slid him his usual beer. The younger boy raised the bottle in a toast, before beginning to chug the bitter drink. The two boys accompanying him watched on, one in annoyance and one in awkwardness.

"Listen Mitchy, I'm gonna get drunk and meet up with the dude I was telling you about. Can I trust you to watch Rob until he's a bit more comfortable?" The taller of the Canadian's two companions spoke, an Australian accent hung throughout his words. The Canadian nodded, motioning his hand towards the bartender. The taller understood this signal to mean put it on his bill, and a quick "thanks" was sent in return. The Canadian turned to his other companion, smiling softer at the boy.

"Come, sit Rob. I haven't even introduced you to my good friend here. His name's Adam Dahlberg, he's been working this bar every time I've come here," Mitch spoke calmly, coaxing the other boy into a more comfortable state. The man behind the bar scoffed at the Canadian boy's comment.

"It's called a job, Mitch. Maybe you should get one, it would do you some good." The Canadian man, who is now known as Mitch, rolled his eyes. His friend, however, the one Mitch called Rob, makes a straggled noise at the words.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been saying that? And does the boy listen? No!" Adam laughed in return, the two settling into a conversation of mocking Mitch and his poor life choices. Mitch finishes his first beer while they blabber, and Adam mechanically grabs him another, despite their current topic being Mitch's slow-developing alcoholism. Mitch barely notices what he's doing, and next thing he knows he's downed four beers and Rob just finished his first. And that was saying a lot, because Rob never drank. He always worried way too much about the consequences, but tonight he had apparently forgotten his anxiety at home. Mitch was honestly glad, because if Rob was clingy the whole night Mitch couldn't get any game. In fact, Mitch was only shocked out of his blurred existence when Rob suggested the two of them go dance. Mitch chuckled as his now tipsy best friend dragged him into the crowd of sweaty bodies.

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