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Summers 🕶 sent Guac King 🥑 a message

Summers 🕶
Thank you for being my date 💛💛

Guac King 🥑
It was no problem 💙

Summers 🕶 changed Guac King 🥑 to Guac God 🥑

Guac God 🥑
I'm honoured 🤴🏻

Summers 🕶
My dad won't admit it but he was excited to see you

Guac God 🥑

Summers 🕶

Guac God 🥑

Summers 🕶
Because you make me happy
Which makes him happy

Guac God 🥑
I do?

Summers 🕶

Guac God 🥑
You make me happy too

Summers 🕶

Guac God 🥑

Summers 🕶
So, did you still want to go out tomorrow?
Or was last night enough of me for you?

Guac God 🥑
Last night wasn't nearly enough for me

Summers 🕶

Guac God 🥑
God yes

Summers 🕶
Okay then, tomorrow it is

Guac God 🥑
I will see you tomorrow

Summers 🕶
I can't wait 💛💛

Guac God 🥑
Neither can I 💙

Guac God 🥑Neither can I 💙

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