8. Prince and the Frog

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All morning Jace has been on and off of the phone. Now, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to be constantly communicating with the outside world, but…her conversations are obnoxious. They range from—“Hey girl hey” to “If I don’t get that commercial my life is screwed”—and I’m not sure which one irritates me the most.

                “Oh just pull a few strings why don’t you? You’re Matt Melkowski! Matt freaking Melkowski!” Jace paced around the room, her free hand in her mass of red curls. It’s a bad day when Jace doesn’t even flat iron her hair. “Please, Matt? I’ll do anything. You know I’m your favorite girl,” she whined.

                Sighing, I looked back down at my computer screen. I must make a log of all of the ingredients needed for a well-balanced diet without any distractions. I need to finish this before Kenny comes over tonight. Thinking of Kenny coming over makes my heart beat in overdrive because I’ve never really been alone with a guy before and this is scary. Almost scarier than when I saw Britney Spears bald and I have to say…that was truly terrifying.

                “I love you, Matt, you’re my favorite, bye.” Jace hung up the phone and then squealed, bounding over to me in excited leaps and skips. “I’m going to be in a Covergirl commercial!”

                “That’s simply amazing, Jace,” I replied without looking up from my computer screen.

                “Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?”

                “Of course. You said you are going to be in a Covergirl commercial, courtesy of Matt Melkowski.” If I add one piece of bread to the daily eating plan… would that decrease the bloating from the protein or would that encourage people to just make gross sandwiches? Yeah…forget the bread. I’ll add a muffin. Everyone loves muffins.

                “For once, Kasey, can you just be excited about something?”

                I looked up at Jace with a frown. “What do you mean for once? Do you think I never get excited about things?”

                With a roll of her eyes, Jace turned her head to the side so that she no longer holds eye contact with me.  “You don’t really ever get excited. You only got excited twice. Once when I asked you to move in with me and then the time you were making those cookies for Justin.”

                My frown deepened and I bit my lip. Just because I don’t always exert my excitement in loud screeches like her doesn’t mean I’m not excited. “Okay, Jace.”

                She cut her eyes to me, her eyebrows furrowed. “That’s it? Just okay?”

                “What am I supposed to do, huh? Am I supposed to argue with you about how I do indeed actually get excited and that you’re a liar? Am I supposed to tell you that you don’t know me at all? What is your direction with this topic?”

                “I absolutely fucking hate it when you talk to me like I’m one of the people you’re making a business deal with,” she spat at me.

                I sighed. “Don’t you have something to do?”

                “What is the matter with you, anyways? You’re acting like a—”

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