Chapter Ten

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Getting rid of someone takes time. With time comes getting close. You know what they say. Keep your fitness close, but your enemies closer. Cato is the one putting me up to this. He said I need to get close. He said I had to. Something I wasn't comfortable with. But I had to.

My schedule had completely changed. He put me in all cases possible to be near the cat. Training time. Lunch hours. Just to get closer. Just to steal his heart.

Just to kill him.

He won't leave easily. Not without me. The only way to get rid of him forever is to kill him. He needs to pay for what he's done. Almost killing me. Taking away months of my life. For what? Maybe I did something to anger him that much back then. Maybe I did. But for whatever his reason was, he needed to pay.

I managed to 'bump' into him at the training room. He was already walking out. A towel wrapped at his shoulders. He must've just taken a shower in the locker room. Let the acting begin. He didn't even notice me, well until I pushed into him, crying. I sped walked by him, the hot tears dropping down my face. Immediately he called after me, rushing after me. I kept the tears there, avoiding him and rushing to the other side of the weight room.

"Marinette Wait!" I felt myself stop, staring into the wall which mirrored back my reflection. My eyes were swelled up, puffy. Think of a lie think of a lie. He put a hand on my shoulder, which I immediately shouldered off.

"G-Get a-away from me!" I screamed back, turning to him. I felt myself start crying again, sliding down the mirrors wall.

"What's wrong? Who made you cry?" His voice came out soft. Almost familiar. He wasn't using his normal, stern tone. Perfect.

"C-Cato. The idiot! The fucking idiot!" From the mirrors reflection I had saw him grit his teeth.

"What did he do? Tell me"

"Why the hell do you care? Why?" I had screamed again. He crouched down to my level. That weird feeling was happening again. Now we were out of the gym. Out of the weight room. We were now in a bed room. I could feel the covers on me. It smelled like blood. Glancing down at my body I had bandages going across my torso. I wasn't on the bed, I was sitting on his lap. His face pulling away from mine. He was breathing heavily. Why? 

"Marinette I'm in love with you. Don't you see?" I blinked. I wasn't expecting him to say that this fast. The scene went back. My daze was gone. What the hell is he doing to me?

"W-Well I'm not in love with you! How can I trust men anymore? All they do Is want to hurt me!" I retaliated. I felt like I was slipping into myself again. No. I must stay strong. I have to weave my way into his heart. I must.

"I never said I was in love with you?" It almost sounded like a question. Was I hallucinating that? The tears had been washed away by his hesitant thumb. I didn't even notice. Even though I was faking my distress, why did he feel so soothing to me? His voice. His touch. His soft eyes. All familiar and soothing.

"Y-yes you did. I just heard you" his face was full of worry.

"No. I said because I want to know. Are you alright?" His fingers traced to my forehead. I glanced up at his hand. I swatted him away, hitting him at the wrist.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped. His face then hardened. I think I might have blown it right there. But he didn't flinch. Just, he seemed to be thinking. Not knowing how to place his words next.

"Your head is warm. You seem to be hallucinating or something in your mind isn't right. What you need is rest" Why was he still being nice to me?


"My uh...father use to get these flashes all the time. I'm sure whatever Cato did put you under some stress. I'll help you to your room" I snapped out of my confusion. This is my window I need. I can't just question him.

"N-no! I can't go back. Where are you staying?" He raised a brow. Did he suspect me already?

"I'm a spare room not far from here...I-"

"I don't want to go back. I can't"

His voice than went shallow. "I don't think that's a good idea..." he helped me up though. I wiped at my eyes for an added effect.

"Thanks for trying...I guess" then I had began to walk away. Slowly.  I needed to draw this out best I can. I need to get into his room. The place where he feels most vulnerable. So I did the best any acting class has taught me.

I fainted. Walking then pretending to sway, then begin to fall to the ground. I didn't make impact though. Instead I was held by him. He held me in his arms, cradling me like a child. I heard his words perfectly. Coming out in a low tone. In a sigh.

"One day this will be normal for us. You falling for me again. You allowing me to touch you without you flinching. I wish I said I love you, but that would only make you fear me worst" that's when his sigh had followed. Then a kiss on the top of my head. I didn't move. I had to keep my composure. But somehow his lied words effected me.

Like something familiar sparked.

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