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"Why him?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"I think he's cool."

"Please tell me that's not the only reason." I groan, smiling.


"Fine." I say throwing my hands up in the air. "I give up."

"Great." Sukie grins.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Sukie groans, she looks up at the ceiling in hopelessness.

"Fine fine. I'll get him." I say slapping my thighs before standing up from my chair.

"Dad?" Sukie says right before I make it out the door.

"Yeah?" I say turning around, I smile softly to myself. Sukie looks so much better, still pale, but her eyes are brighter and her personality is shining through again.

"What's his name?"

I feel a warmth behind me suddenly, and the soft feel of his breath on the back of my neck.
"Cheating is looked down upon, you know."

I look behind me, a bad choice, and he's too close. He must realize it too, and he steps back, then quickly slides around me.

"If you really must know" he says trying to cover up quickly, "then you should tell me what you're scheming."

Sukie smirks up at him, and for once I feel a twinge of jealousy. Why is it that he manages to make Sukie smile like that when it feels like I'm trying. It used to just be unconscious, this click between father and daughter.

"Fine. Tell me your name first."

Xavier raises an eyebrow, but he leans against the counter instead, his eyes averted as I watch him skeptically.

"I won't argue." He says.

"Smart man." Sukie agrees.

"It's Xavier." I pipe in. Sukie glances at me, and her eyes are angered and disappointed. For once I wish I didn't open my mouth, but sometimes I feel like I'm a teenager again, scared yet curious about my child, and wishing that my child will love me...even if I had her by accident. I still love her to death.

"Xavier." Xavier whispers, but he's smiling and I notice that he's watching me now.

He glances as Sukie again, "Scheming." He says.

"I nominated you to be my caretaker."

"Caretaker?" Xavier says glancing at me.

"Sukie wanted to leave early...and because she might be prone to another cardiac arrest we thought it'd be best to have a caretaker with her for this week."

Xavier has his eyes on me, and his attention is zoned on it's target. Me.

"And this is okay with you?" He says cooly, seriously.

"Why wouldn't it?" I ask stiffening.

Xavier shrugs, but I know he's already got an answer gearing in his head. What would my answer be? Would it be the same?

It's not until Xavier steps into my house that it hits me.

It's because he scares me.


It's weird.

Everything is still the same. Sukie and I are watching old movies on the couch and eating dinner. Nothing has changed.

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