Chapter 22: Fake it

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I stop it in an instant and get on my feet. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was falling asleep to the sound of V's humming a song on the car. But, how did I got to my bed? I was still on my dress, and I apologize to my body for the suffering of sleeping in this demonic thing.

"Good morning!" Jungkook says as he takes a seat beside me at the table. We are all eating breakfast, except V.

"Where is he?" Jin asked Jungkook, since they share rooms, he should know why he is absent.

" He... is not in the mood." Was all he said, as we finished our food.

He eventually had to get out of his room, and they all pointed at me when the question 'Who goes for him?' came.

I knock on the door, twice without a response.

"V, it's me." I say, kind of bored and half feeling obligated to do this. I knock continuously feeling the pressure of everyone in the van waiting for us.

"I swear if you make me break this door-" The door opened and I was dragged inside.My body was suddenly captive by V's arms, who hold me protectively. "Is someone with you?" He said, not looking at me, but at the windows, and his stare fixed on the door behind me.

"No fool, they are all waiting for you in the van." I say annoyed, trying to keep my voice steady even underneath his almost exposed body from his thin pijamas.

"Tell them I am sick... or make something up." He said, still not looking at me, but behind me.

"Tell them yourself." I say, getting his arms off and standing up in an instant.

"Ae Ri~ Come on, I don't want to go." He said pouting his mouth on me.

"Dress up, we are going even if you don't want to." With that, I left the room and went downstairs to the van. Not knowing if he will actually listen to me, or not.


He did, thankfully. Somehow I am able to easily convince him to do things, and it seems like the actual, for some moments, forgets I am still his slave.

I went to practice my hand to hand combat, and the boys went to record some new song I know nothing of. Each day, I find it more difficult stopping myself from hurting someone. One day, I punched the punching sag to hard it broke, broke.

I was able to cover it up before anyone noticed, but I am afraid someday I won't be too lucky.

"Good Ae Ri, it seems like you are becoming a better fighter each day-" And you have no idea"- I will give you the day free. After all, I have a meeting with Manager Sejin about Tae Hyung and Tessa's matter." I don't know why, but my heart skipped a beat.

"Thank you Mr. Lee, I will be going." I exited the training room, and tapped the elevator to the reception.

"Going somewhere?" Jungkook stands beside me, and I smile at him. "I am going for a walk, want to come?" I asked, and he mirrored my smile. He glanced at the clock on the wall behind us, shrugged and said.


For the past few days, Jungkook has been a good friend, and we grew close almost immediately. We think really similarly, we like the same things too, and we are really strong headed people. We step into the elevator as soon as the doors open, and before they close, a hand stopped it.

"Ae Ri... I need your help."


He stood before us, with uneven breaths, old sweat on his forehead, not sure if because of the practice, or because of what he will say, The elevator closed almost instantly.

"What is wrong Suga? Are you okay?" Asked Jungkook, worry evident on his handsome face.

"Sh*t, I forgot." Today is the second-day mark. He needs to bring the papers to the gangsters today, if not...

"I don't know what to do." He said, almost ashamed of confessing his need for help.

"What is wrong Ae Ri? Did something happen?" He asked, forcing me to break my stare from Suga to him.

"Its... a long story." I said, wincing at the secrets that are about to unfold.


Suga told him everything. From the first time he and I encountered the gangsters, to when we were kidnapped and almost killed. Suga skipped the part of his past, and I understand that it is probably too hard to confess, and he is too nervous right now.

"Wow..." Was all he said. "Right now we must give them what they want, or we can both get killed." I say, and start to think of a possible solution to this problem.

"So you said, you need Manager Sejin's sign? Why?" Asked Jungkook.

"I don't know, but they want it, and I can't give it to them."Said Suga, the elevator's doors still closed.

"I have an idea." Said Jungkook, and both Suga and I stared at him with wide eyes, surprised he way passes the shock and immediately comes up with a solution.

Typical Jungkook.

A half grin appears involuntarily in my face.

"What do you have in mind?" Asked Suga, and Jungkook forced us to get closer so that we can listen to his voice just above a whisper.

"We fake it."

The doors of the elevator opened.


Hey guys!

Things are getting spicy, aren't they?

What do you think will happen? Will the gangster find out? What do you think about Jungkook finding out :O?

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

p.s. Sorry for not updating! I have exams and they are killing me :( I swear I will get back on track soon! Thank you for those who waited! I know who you are guys 7u7

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Please don't forget to vote <3 it really helps me :D...

Something Serious.

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