Chapter 6

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*Dr. Cockroach POV*

In all my decades of existing, I had never felt so much confusion or excitement mingle within me at once. My team mates shared the same thoughts with me as we entered the home we had come to know over the past couple of years. The base's atmosphere was alive with cheers and enthusiastic praises from the employees and officers that walked with us towards the conference room before they dispersed back to their stations with the knowledge that their low clearance levels would not permit them inside. Nonetheless, both teams continued with their discussions as the massive doors closed behind us.

The General was the first to greet us with a grin on his face and Mynx in his arms. "Outstanding job, Teams Monster and Alien! Earth is safe once again thanks to your continuous efforts!" He turned to face Centauri. "And Lieutenant, I knew you wouldn't let us down!"

"She was incredible!" Susan exclaimed, facing Centauri. "The way you used her dual scythe to save those people was amazing! And when you shifted? Oh my gosh that was remarkable! I can't believe you have a wolf form!"

Link's mouth dropped open. "I missed you shapeshifting into a werewolf?! Damn it! Can you do it again?"

"No," Centauri stated, holding up her bloodied hands. "If you hadn't already noticed, it causes me some issues under this planet's gravitational field," she smirked. "With all due respect Link, I'd rather stay in this form."

"Hey, I dig you either way, babe!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Oh goody! What a productive day!"

The cheerful mood subsided as an overjoyed Coverton zoomed into the room wearing a party hat with a wide grin plastered on his face. He zigged and zagged around his confused team mates before shooting a stream of confetti into the air from a module in his hover chair. I wasn't sure what to be more concerned about at the moment: him or the dazed President being led into the room by two Suits.

Mynx sprung out of the General's arms and waltzed over to Centauri, disrupting whatever statement he had opened his mouth to say. Centauri picked up the feline and raised an eyebrow at Coverton.

"What exactly are you elated about?" she asked him. "Surely it wouldn't be about the battle, considering that you were nowhere to be found."

Coverton's grin transitioned to an evil sneer. "Oh, aren't you quick to point your claw? I was just simply cheering from the sidelines, Alpha. Someone had to be the supporter of such brave teams!"

"A supporter and a coward are two completely different titles. I doubt you even left the base!"

"A little hypocritical, aren't we now, Lieutenant?" Coverton remarked, receiving a glare from Centauri. "I stayed here the entire time to ensure things ran smoothly. Isn't that right, Mr. President?"

The President shook himself out of his daze and gave a brief nod. "Yes?"

"See?" he sneered. "Now I wouldn't be the one pointing any fingers, considering that you yourself failed to complete your mission of saving everyone."

Centauri growled. "Don't you-"

"Considering there were four casualties caused by the Autodrones, including a young girl. Did you not know that, Lieutenant?"

The look on Centauri's face transitioned to one of complete shock. Gasps sprung from the throats of some in the room and ricocheted off the vast walls, amplifying the tension that ripped through the content that the abrupt victory had provided. Mynx let out a small chirping sound and sat up in her master's arms to study the rush of emotion overcoming her. Centauri's gaze shot to the General along with an unsteady voice.

"That's impossible... We saved them. All of them. I made sure of it!" she shook her head in disbelief. "The bastard's lying!"

"As much as I'd like to say he is, I'm afraid it's the truth, Lieutenant. We lost four civilians."

Centauri's gaze swept over all of us before meeting the wall. I could see her jaw clench as her blank stare sent chills racing down my spine. She swallowed and briefly shook her head. The amount of frustration and disappointment present in her eyes was enough to make the atmosphere grow cold and disheartening. I walked up to her and put my hand on her tense shoulder only to receive a sharp growl from Mynx.

"Lieutenant, while some lives were lost you must also remember the thousands you and the teams saved," the General added. "If it wasn't for your quick thinking, those things would've continued on and destroyed the world!"

Susan stepped up. "Exactly! Your efforts weren't in vain. Thanks to you, the armada retreated and millions survived!"

"Even one life lost is too much," Centauri growled. "I'm aware that although it's almost impossible to avoid casualties in a war, it's horrible that it must occur. I come from a race of pacifists, yet I've learned over the past few decades that peace can't end all evil in the universe. While the balance must exist for philosophy's sake, I will be the one to stand between it. I'd trade my last breath to allow the world to live for one more minute."

"And that's why I called you here, Lieutenant," the General added. "You did your job and will continue to do it as long as you remain on this base, which is why I am assigning you and Dr. Cockroach to work together to assemble and upgrade our artillery to handle any further waves of attack. Between a mad scientist and an astral artillery specialist, you both are bound to come up with something that will take down a few ships or more."

"As for the rest of you," Monger continued. "I expect increased training protocols to be put in place by your respective leaders to prepare for any future waves or attacks. Sqweep will take inventory of whatever technology is currently in our possession and relay that information to the Lieutenant for the sake of saving time. Does everyone understand their duties?"

B.O.B let out a small chuckle. "He said doody!"

I watched the waning hope in Centauri's eyes transition to determination as she joined us all in saluting the General.

"I'll get started on that right away, General Monger."

He nodded to her before she turned to me. "And Doctor, my lab is in Sector 7. Please join me once you're ready."

"Not a problem, my dear," I said, giving her a smile and a nod as she turned and walked out of the War Room with Mynx in her arms.

"Man, she's really taking it hard..." Link stated, presenting Coverton with a glare that mirrored my own.

After a few minutes of recapping our assigned roles, we all headed off to our quarters to prepare for whatever fate the future had in store for us. As I gathered my supplies plus one extra blueprint I'd hope would come in use, I couldn't help but feel elated to finally be able to discuss the endless possibilities of new scientific frontiers with someone I prayed would understand.

I couldn't help but feel anxious too.


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