Chapter 8

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well, it's been over a year

how is everyone? this was kinda one of my less popular books so i doubt there's many people left reading

but i definitely took a lot of time for myself to figure things out

and i feel like i'm finally ready to be really, truly dedicated to something

and maybe writing is that something

i know that no amount of apologies can make up for the amount of updates I've missed or the neglect i've given my stories and my page itself and everything, but i'm really trying now

without school, things should be a lot easier for me now and i hope to get back in the 'wattpad game' u know?? i hope to gain more readers, more followers, and just grow as a writer in general

and i hope you all will be with me throughout this entire journey


It was hard for Elizabeth to avoid Remus.She knew that he was right about what he said, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. The pain was still there, strong and true, inside her heart that had taken the strongest blow.

He was just being logical, and she knew that. He didn't want to get into anything without them knowing enough about each other. What kind of relationship was a relationship without trust, anyway?

"You know, Liz, I'm pretty impressed that you managed to fall for Remus," James said through a mouthful of food, watching her curiously.

"What are you talking about? I haven't fallen for Remus," she snapped.

Sirius choked on his water from laughter. "Yeah, alright."

"Anyway," James interrupted firmly, "we're clearly the better looking ones with the best personalities. Why not us?"

"Well," Elizabeth said hesitantly, "if I was forced to choose one of you that I would be in a more-than-friends relationship with, I guess it would be Remus. He's just my type I guess. Smart, nerdy, and cute."

"But what about hot? What about danger? Mystery?"

"Oh trust me, I've got enough danger and mystery to last me a whole lifetime," she laughed.

"And what about 'hot?'" Sirius asked.

Elizabeth blushed as the thought to the night before.

"I've— I've got enough of that too. Yeah."

James shared a knowing look with Sirius before shrugging.


"Why are you asking me all these questions anyway?"

"Well, we just thought it was obvious that we were, you know, the better choices when it comes to girls. So it's confusing to meet a girl who swoons over Remus instead of us," Sirius said, grinning.

She knew they were joking because of how highly they thought of Remus, but she didn't know why they were suddenly asking her stuff like this, even if it was just a joke.

"Okay, but couldn't you have asked literally any other girl these?"

"Not every other girl is into Remus," Sirius deadpanned.

"I find that surprising," Elizabeth snorted.

She quickly covered her mouth once she realized what she had said, eyes widening.

"Would you mind repeating that for us, Lizzie?" James asked, holding back laughter.

"I said that's... understandable."

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