Chapter one

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"Mum, please!"
I've stormed out the kitchen, banging my head on my bedroom door. Why is she always on my case? I come away from my door with a pounding headache, I really shouldn't of done that. I approach the side of my bed and flop onto it. I look to my left and see my baby boy, he's so small..I watch him stir and slowly pick him up for a cuddle, I hold him close to my chest. Wow what a feeling, this tiny human is mine! I stroke the top of his head and kiss it softly as he nuzzles into my neck.
"Emily! Your father is here, come downstairs!" My mum is yelling from the kitchen. I huff and carry my boy downstairs, my father is already sat in the living room, mug in hand and a paper in the other.
"Afternoon, love. How is the wee son?"
I smile at him and walk over to kiss his cheek, "he's good, thanks Dad, how was work? Busy?" My dad is a barber who has cut my hair ever since I was tiny, fortunately I've had a hair cut recently, a long bob, I think I quite suit it however I do believe it makes me look like a mum. Hardly any maintenance. I sit on the sofa opposite my dad, my baby boy on my chest, my mum enters from the other room and sits beside me with tea at hand, I take it from her.
"Emily wants to go away next week.." my mum complains. My father shrugs before saying "that's nice sweetie, where are you going?"
I smirk and reply "Devon, Dad." The look on my mums face, am I really going to get away with this one?
"Who's going to look after Oscar, he's too small!" I guess not..
"I'll take him with me, duh. It'll be nice, he'll get to see the beach.. soak up a bit of sun" I try to win the argument. My Dad looks over at me from his paper "I'm sure that's fine, just don't forget anything"
I squeal at the approval and jump up, cradling Oscar, and I can't stop repeating
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
I rush back up the stairs and set oscar on my bed and begin to move his tiny arms up and down, making him dance as I sing
"We're going on a holiday, we're going on a holiday" but before I finish my tune, my mum is watching from the doorframe, I look over to her and sigh
"We will be just fine, I'll call you"
"If I must.."
she looks at her fingers as she fiddles with her nails, and mumbles
"I just worry.. you'll be too far for us to come get you"
We live in a small semi detached house in a small village, which has a small marina. Portishead is a safe area and the marina is quite pleasant when the English weather decides to bestow us with good weather. It's currently June 9th and my birthday is next Sunday, I'm very excited. I'll be twenty years old! How the time flies, I should of started university last September but I was already eight months pregnant in August. I found out I was pregnant after a insanely sensual night at New Years, it was a one night stand and I never saw Issac since.
I had no contact with him, however much I looked, Facebook, twitter, instagram. Nothing. I couldn't tell him he was a father.. I don't think I would tell him if I saw him again. I've been raising Oscar on my own, with my parents help of course, but I'm good on my own.
"We are having sausage and mash tonight, get yourself sorted. Laurence is on his way over."
I look at my attire and realise I'm still in my pyjamas. My bad. I get up and change Oscar first, and then attend to my own appearance. I wear some black leggings and a loose short sleeved white shirt, curling my hair into messy waves and wear some neutral makeup. Got no one to impress. I smile to myself, Laurence is a good friend of mine and has been for years, he stuck by me through my pregnancy and came down to me as often as he could when he was at university. I haven't seen him in.. three weeks?! Jeez, I can't wait to tell him about my holiday weekend!
I come downstairs later that evening after I've put Oscar down for his nap, I sit at the table with a glass of dry white wine, sipping it as I chat to my parents at the table. Until, there's a knock at the door, I quickly jump to my feet and rush over to the front door, swinging it open to reveal my best friend! I jump into his arms as he scoops me up for a bear hug, "oh my god! Its so good to see you" he lets me go, I wish he wouldn't. I look at his face and gaze "you've got a beard coming along!" I begin to snigger and he smirks back at me.
"Yeah, only a few weeks worth. What's with this?" He runs his fingers through my hair, messing it up as he laughs.
"You don't like it?" I pout, acting like a child. He's smiling down at me,
"I do"
I let him in the hallway and take his bag from him, he's just back from the train station. He booms into the kitchen with big hellos and hugs for my parents. I stand behind and smile to myself. He's such a good guy..
My mum begins to plate up our grub and feeds the lions. I tuck in right away as I realise I forgot to eat lunch earlier. I ask Laurence about how his degree is going, and he's explaining crazy analytical studies and such, he tells me about his mates from university are planning their summer break. I break my silence and tell him all about my next weekend plans, he's on my same level of excitement as I invite him to come with. It also means I have an extra pair of hands, and it relaxes my mum with her worries.

As the night wears on, we finish our drinks and I look up to the clock
"Ten, forty-six, already?" Laurence smiles and sighs, as he stands up.
"I better head off, I still need to see my folks." I nod and stand up to say goodbye and walk him to the front door. I smile at him and cock my head to one side to say
"It was really good seeing you, I'll see you next week?" He nods back at me and gives me a brief hug and begins to walk out the gate, waving back at me.
"See ya! Text me" he yells back.
I wave and yell my reply "Yeah!"


Later, I lay in bed on my phone, I flick through my social media before
Brr. Brr.
My phone vibrates with a message,
Hey, your Emily right? From that party last year.
I freeze, my heart quickens as I read the name on top, an Instagram account.
I've been spelling his name wrong! This entire time, that's why I couldn't find him.. Do I reply?

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