Ch.1 The Start

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Side by Side (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)

A/N: I hope you enjoy this story alot because I think this is one of my best stories!! 

Ch.1 The Start


            We were all at the airport with Austin. He was saying his good byes to everyone; Austin finally made his way over to me. Everyone walked away, and I broke down in tears. “Please don’t cry” he said, while giving me a great big hug. “I’m going to miss you too much.” Austin bent down and lifted my chin so I was looking at him. “This isn’t goodbye. I’ll be back and we will keep in touch everyday.” We hugged again until we heard the flight attendant say “Flight 174 to Miami now boarding.” He squeezed me tightly before heading to the plane. I watched sadly as the plane took off….

~2 Years Later~


*Haley’s POV*


            My name is Haley and I’m just an average girl. I’m 16 at the moment, 5’2” with medium length brunette hair and green/hazel eyes. My best guy friend is Austin Mahone. Unfortunately, he moved to Miami, and I stayed in San Antonio with the crew. My best girl friend is Yanna. Yanna is 5’4” with shoulder length dirty blond hair and has brown eyes. At the moment, I’m in school, in my piano class and we aren’t doing anything right now, so I thought I would text Austin.

H- I had some free time and was thinkin about how you’re doing.

A- Hay Haley great to hear from u

H- Hay is for horses J

A- lol what’s up?

H- Not much of anything

A- aww, well hey I gtg but I will ttys.

H- Sounds good bye

            Austin always finds the time to talk with me, but since he is working so hard to build his career, his schedule is so hectic. I can understand that.

            Monday through Wednesday went by as usual, but coming home Wednesday was very different. I was walking home and listening to music, when I saw a van in front of Austin’s house and a person who looked a lot like Austin. As I approached the house, I shut my music off. “Austin?” he turned around and my eyes widened. “Haley!” he picked me up and spun me around. “What… how?” I couldn’t believe it. “I wanted to surprise you! I’m staying here for awhile” he hugged me again. “I’ve missed you so much!” I said, as I hugged him once more. “I missed you even more!” he chuckled. “Hey Haley!” Austin said getting something from the van. “Hmm?”

            He threw me a basketball. “Up for one on one?” “If you want to loose… sure” We played for about an hour and a half until Austin beat me by two points. “Good job” I said with a pouty face. Austin chuckled, the hugged me. “Next time I’ll let you win.” I smiled and suggested we go out with all of our friends to a restaurant. “I’ll text the crew and you text Yanna.” “Okay” I said as I went home to change.

            *Austin’s POV*


                        Haley is still just as perfect as she was when I first laid my eyes on her.

*Flashback* ~1st Grade~


            I was sitting next to Alex and talking, when our teacher came in. “Class we have a new student joining us. Say hello to Haley.” She was absolutely amazing; she had wavy brunette hair and beautiful eyes. She was so short. Alex leaned over and whispered “I bet she has the cooties.” “No, she is to pretty.” “Oh. Austin and Haley sittin in a tree…” “No, Shh.” The teacher told her to sit on the other side of me. “Hi, I’m Austin” “I’M ALEX!” Haley giggled. “Hi, I’m Haley.” And from that point on we became best friends.

*End of flashback*


            I texted the crew and went inside to get ready.

*Haley’s POV*


            I jumped into a quick shower since playing basketball made me all sweaty. I got out and put on my black bra and panties. I then decided on wearing my grey skinny jeans and my grey shirt which had purple at the bottom. I blow dried my hair and straightened it, then applied foundation and some eyeliner. Yanna just arrived at my house. She always lets herself in since we consider ourselves like sisters. “Hey gurl!” “Hey, Yanna” I sprayed both of us with perfume. Yanna was wearing teal shorts with a comfy looking black jacket and her teal vans. We walked across the street to Austin’s.

            Yanna knocked and Zach opened the door. “We’ve got pretty ladies coming in!” he shouted. We walking in and I couldn’t notice how cute Austin looked. He was very…hot. Stop it Haley, he is your friend!


*Austin’s POV*


            Haley looked stunning as usual, and Robert told me Yanna and he are dating, and that Yanna would tell Haley tonight. Before it started getting awkward, Alex shouted “So I say lets go to Olive Garden” Everyone said yes and off we all went. We took Alex’s black escalade since I only had my permit. Alex drove, Zach was in the passenger seat, and I sat in the middle with Haley while Robert and Yanna sat in the back.

            “Yo, Austin I’m putting Say Somethin’ on okay” Zach said already plugging his phone in. “Yeah cool” he blasted it and everyone sang along with it. I looked over at Haley and she was enjoying herself. She is just so cute.


*Haley’s POV*


            We arrived at Olive Garden and got this big booth. On one side were Austin, Robert, and Alex, and on the other side was me, Yanna, and Zach. We finished eating and joking around. It suddenly got so quite, when Yanna said “I have to tell you something,” “Um okay.” Everyone just looked at me. “Robert and I have been dating for a little over 3 months. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to get mad.” I don’t know why I got mad maybe more shocked. “Yanna I’m only mad because you waited to tell me, we’re practically sisters, but I guess we weren’t as close as I thought.” And with that I got up and left before anyone could say anything to me.

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