Chapter 2A------ A mission to accomplish

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Eren's POV 

"And so...... this happened....the princess......." Armin blubbered about this meaningless story and I started to enjoy this. Just when did I started studying History?  I thought. I wonder what kind of history is this? Is this related to romance? When will I confess my feelings to Levi?  As I was dowelled in these thoughts, I turned around. There I saw Levi also dozing off, his blank face staring at the documents. Well, as always........ I found it boring so I decided to dive back into the ocean of random thoughts. But look closely Eren, Levi wasn't emotionless. He's hiding something. He looked so absent-minded. Avoiding other's gaze, escaping from reality......

Oh Eren, how can you be that immature!

"So you all know this huh? I hope ya'll aren't daydreaming cuz this will be the background story of this investigation, or should I simplify it, a mission." Erwin stated, as he flipped the documents over and over again. "Any questions?" 

"Ain't gonna give a crap about this meaningless story and I seriously need to take a crap so Imma leave you brats here." Levi spat as he hurried to the toilet. 

He looked terrified.

"Meh since this mission isn't for Levi so we can skip him instead. Back to you all, there's something serious." Erwin continued.

"Well if the captain ain't gonna do anything about it, then why do we need do all these work.... I want a holiday....." Connie, the jerk, 'mumbled' 'softly'. 

"Shhhhh Connie!" his girlfriend Sasha whispered and slapped Connie's mouth firmly. Well, if you get slapped by Sasha, you won't have the strength to talk for 15 minutes. 

"The royals have given us, The Survey Corps, a mission. That is to find the lost princess who was lost 11years ago. This is a royal mission given by her Majesty Historia Reiss. Therefore, we expect you all, the chosen ones, to fulfill this mission. Understood?" Erwin announced loudly. 

If you're afraid of us daydreaming, you're all wrong. 

What in the world is this mission? 

I bet, this is the second horrible scene excluding the former Levi's squad death and my mom's tragic death. 

For me, I widened my eyes and opened my mouth so widely that a tennis can fit into it. My face was like the time when I saw Petra and the others lying (and kissing) on a tree, hanging dead. For Armin, his eyes was exactly the same as the moment when he saw me gobbled up.  Why would I know this? There's a thing called camera okay? But the scariest thing was that he ain't shocked nor crying like a baby, he had a really big grin on his face. 

For Sasha and Connie, they all muffled their screams, acting like a fangirl. What is fangirls by the way? Some crazy people shouting for their idols? Having their princess as an idol..... I'd rather have Heichou as my only one........

For the rest of them, including the insane scientist Hanji, were extraordinarily calm. They all looked serious, as if this freak'n mission was inevitable. 

Thank goodness Levi isn't here. 

You know, his jealousy always kills us. You're asking about his famous '3 acts of showing jealousy Heichou edition'? Well then I definitely need to recommend you all this: His death glare 

After this whole stupid issue, the whole squad was dismissed, and we all went back to our dorms. Well, I always hang out in Armin's dorm so I don't even care about the basement, just to make sure I arrive there before 10 cuz captain usually check on me at that moment. 

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