Eat Not From this Tree; But You Put it There!

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Love. Faith. Trust. These words, emotions, bonds, I thought I'd completely severed from my humanity, snuck into my blind spot in the form of a woman.
Woman-- these creatures are the reason Man fell. Adam and Eve, Samson and Delilah, even Helen of Troy! We're kicked out of our homes, stripped of strength, heart and soul, and struck down trying to defend and reclaim her treacherous honor.
Women have been nothing but problems since inception! I should know, I was married to one who betrayed me in the absolute worst fashion. She cheated on me with a business rival. The humiliation I endured almost broke me and under the keen eye of my rival, he did his best to detect any ounce of weakness that may have penetrated my manhood. Lucky for me, I showed him nothing.
But it wasn't just his eyes that had been trained on me, it felt like the beast that corporate America was watching me like a hawk, waiting for me to throw in the towel. I'd be one less competitor to deal with. But, I kept working amiss the gossip and vultures who intended to pick apart what was left of my life.
These past five years, my office has been my refuge, though it's not as if I hadn't been locked away behind my office door before my unfortunate personal life became public. But, it explains why I was never aware of her. It was a chance meeting that once again blew my life open. Here's our story.

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