Chapter 56 - Sophie

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"The Black Swan apparently didn't give me the gene that promotes gracefulness." I said, smiling. "I will trip over air." Walking on stairs that have no barrier between yourself, and a long drop also makes me trip. At least I can teleport.

"And I didn't want to make everyone feel bad, by outdoing them." Fitz said, "Tam didn't do anything, either."

"I caught Linh." Tam protested.

"Give me the Burn Balm." Dallas ordered.

"What?" I asked, surprised that he'd willingly take it.

"I ain't never missed a rumble, and I ain't about to start." he said, "'sides, it ain't a rumble without Dallas Winston."

"Alright." I handed him the Burn Balm, and he rubbed it over his arm.

"I'm gonna stop by, and see Johnny." Dallas said, "Ya wanna come?"

"I'll go." I said.

"I'll go with you." Fitz's teal eyes shone with protectiveness.

"Same." said Tam.

"I'll stay here." Linh said, "Make sure the boys get their wounds treated."

"I'd like to help." Evelyn whispered.

"Sure." Linh said, smiling.

"Well, what are y'all waiting for?" Dallas asked.

"We're channeling." I replied. "You can take your car, but we're not going with you."

"You drive like a madman." Fitz added.

"I think you might have a higher chance of surviving Fintan, than riding in a car with him." Tam said, "I'm channeling. And I'll get there first."

"Yeah, right." Dallas scoffed.

"Ready, set go!" Tam shouted, before taking off.

"No fair!" Dallas yelled.

"Get a move on!" Tam yelled back.

"Let's go." Fitz grabbed my hand, and we channeled our mental energy into our legs, speeding past Dallas. We made it to the hospital in record time, seconds after Tam had arrived.

"See, I was right." he crowed, "I'm first."

"Cheater." Dallas muttered, shoving past us. I hurried after him.

"Hey, Dal." Johnny whispered.

"Hey, Johnnycakes, there's a rumble tonight."

"'cause I killed Bob, isn't it?" Johnny asked sadly.

"Yeah, but we're gonna win." Dallas said confidently. "Us greasers ain't gonna let some Socs beat us."

"Fighting never solved anything." Johnny said.

"C'mon, Johnnycakes, don't be sad." Dallas pleaded.

"I have a headache." Johnny muttered. I gasped, and turned to Fitz. His teal eyes shimmered with so many emotions, sadness, fear, worry. Most of all, remembrance. Remembering how frail Alden had looked.

"I gotta go, can't miss the rumble." Dallas said, rushing out the door.

"Hello, are you here for Johnny?" asked a doctor.

"Yes." I said, "Can we visit him?"

"Are you his friends?"

I nodded.

"Then, yes, just be quiet." he replied. "He's been complaining of headaches all day."

"Hey, Johnny." I whispered, as I walked into the room. "How are you?"

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum