Chapter Twenty Three

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Somehow in the space of a day, Aubrey had managed to piss off both the twins which she soon found out from Lee and Angelina, was a big achievement; usually, the pair weren't fazed by anything. Due to the severity of Fred's injuries (technically they were hers, but she didn't have to endure the consequences of broken ribs ... yet), she was released earlier than him, an hour after supper. She left the book with him, mumbling something about seeing him at their meeting before dashing out, her cheeks permanently crimson with embarrassment. 

Although she'd hoped to wander around the Castle grounds for a bit to clear her head before returning to the common room, George was lurking just around the corner from the hospital wing, a sight which made her heart leap a little but also dug the pit of unhappiness even deeper. 

"There you are," He leisurely pushed himself up from the wall, "I was beginning to think you'd broken your nose again just to hang out with Aubrey some more."

Aubrey shook her head, "Nope, just took a while to heal."

"Right," George said, elbowing her in the ribs, "Took a 'while' to 'heal'."

"No, it genuinely took a while to heal!"


"It did!"

George paused for just the perfect amount of time before smugly replying, " ... sure. Don't worry, Freddy, your secret is safe with me. Although I think you should tell Lee and Angelina..."

At this, Aubrey whipped around, "No, why should I? Is that you're way of telling me you told them already, ho - George?"

"Calm down, Fred," George replied, "I'm gonna ignore the fact you almost called me a 'ho' there and assure you that I didn't. What sort of brother do you think I am? ... wait, don't answer that ... or do, because you can hardly complain about me right now considering you've ditched me for some girl."

Aubrey turned away again, feeling vaguely attacked right now.

"C'mon, Fred, I'm kidding, I'm not angry. Angelina is a bit though," George admitted, "Lee doesn't really mind too much but she's taking it very personally I'm afraid. I just think you if you explained about this Audrey - "

"Aubrey," She corrected.

"Sorry, if you explained that Aubrey had distracted you, I'm sure she'd be a little more understanding. Still angry, but sort of 'rolling her eyes' angry rather than 'throwing a beater's bat at you' angry"

At this, Aubrey tensed up slightly; the main reason she hadn't interacted with the other two was that Fred hadn't really gone into that much depth about that, hence she'd decided complete avoidance was her best tactic. However, judging by George's very brief description, Angelina sounded very scary, maybe avoiding her had been for the best ... or not. If avoiding Angelina meant a beater's bat to the head, she would have much rather got it out the way earlier.

Still, even apologising to an angry Chaser and from the sounds of it, a laidback best friend, was preferable to hanging out with a grumpy, unnerved Fred right now.

    • • • 

"Angelina, Lee, I'm really sorry - " She stopped herself quickly, sounding too much like herself. Angelina had noticed, as had Lee, both of them surveying her with vaguely quizzical glances. She felt a bit like she was on trial; Lee, Angelina and George sitting on one sofa, whilst she delivered her apology awkwardly in front of the fire. A small second year also had the misfortune of being there too, clearly too curious and uncomfortable to leave which only heightened the pressure.

"Well, that's a lie really, definitely haven't missed you much at all, Lee, in fact, it's been an awesome couple of weeks - "

"Rude," Lee Jordan cut in although he now had a half grin on his face.

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