Chapter Thirty Two

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"Well, we did it. We both have dates," George laughed, as the two of them adjusted their ties in the mirror, "Don't know how you got one with a face like that."

With a frown, Aubrey replied, "We have the same face though..."

A moment of awkward silence passed between them before George explained "I know, that's the joke ... never mind. You know, we don't scrub up half bad, better than Ron at least, poor sod."

When Aubrey didn't say anything, George continued, "Because of his robes ... they're more dress than dress robes. Don't know what Mum was thinking there, it's just plain cruel," His brow furrowed slightly as he rested his arm on his brother's shoulder, "Fred, everything okay?"

Quickly, she gave a laugh, "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little nervous... got a lot riding on this, you know?"

George grinned, "More than you know, Fred."

For a brief moment, Aubrey had a minor panic attack that he somehow knew about her crush and the swap. Luckily she suddenly remembered Fred telling her that George was planning to interchange with his twin; she hoped that was what he was referring to at least.

"Well, come on, Freddie, to the dance we go," George said, walking off before darting back quickly to smooth his hair, "Can't leave the girls waiting by the doors too long. I can't believe Lee got a date with - "

As if summoned by his name, Lee burst into the dorm, an ecstatic grin on his face, "You two ready? You're taking ages, Angelina left with the girls already to see if Alicia's dream Durmstrang man is you know ... real."

"Yeah, we're on our way down," Aubrey replied, wringing her hands together subconsciously. The dance was making butterflies fly around her stomach every time she remembered that they would be forced to actually interact with Ludo Bagman. Other than that she felt surprisingly calm, despite some very small bit of irrational jealousy that her body was going with George but she wasn't.

Lee leant against the door frame, "Can you believe I got a date with Angelina?"

"She's your date for the dance, you're not on a date," George said as he strode through the door, ruffling up Lee's hair as he passed.

Quickly, Lee ran after him, the pair walking ahead whilst Aubrey lingered behind, "Well, that's good enough for me. Anyway, it's a slippery slope; one minute she's my reluctant date and next, we're on romantic picnics by the lake whilst she tells me Quidditch stories."

Rather than reply, George simply exchanged a look with Aubrey who returned his grin with a considerably less enthusiastic one. Downstairs in the lobby, there was only one way to describe the scene: chaos, people rushing around in all shades of the rainbow rather than the usual sea of black. She briefly noticed Harry and some other boys milling around awkwardly, a very pretty Indian girl beside him. Before she'd only really felt contempt for Harry, heightened this year when he'd stolen glory from Hufflepuff but walking past him now, she couldn't help but think how normal he looked.

Still, there was no time to ponder whether Harry was actually as annoying as she'd assumed as they had to hurry down to the entrance hall just in case Angelina changed her mind and went solo. The girls were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, engaged in conversation with Cho and Cedric who must have been passing by.

"Good thing Harry's not here," George sniggered as they walked down the stairs towards his dates. Lee darted off in the opposite direction towards a shocked Angelina, mainly because Alicia's dream date had turned out to be very real and very gorgeous.

"You ready, Fred?"

"Yeah," She replied flatly, looking a little concerned as George suddenly stopped.

[1] Lemons into Lemonade ✓ | FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now